
The Quiet Constant Voice of Roman Catholicism for 59 Years

Founded in 1965, the Bellarmine Forum (Wanderer Forum Foundation) is a public charity dedicated to helping you find the true Catholic faith, enjoy it, and prosper in your life with God, His angels, and His saints.


When God bade St. Joseph arise and take the Child and His Mother and fly into Egypt, He was committing unto him, under the guise of Jesus and Mary, the care of the universal Church.  As to Mary were entrusted all Christians in the words, “Woman, behold thy son,” so to St. Joseph in the angel’s message.  He was to be our guardian and protector.  He was to keep us safe in the dangerous journey of life; he was to console us and care for us in darkness and sorrow while we wait in this land of exile for the summons to our true home.  Joseph, too, is to bring us safely into the promised land at last.  

O holy St. Joseph, be my friend and my protector and my keeper, amid all difficulties and dangers and temptations.


  • St. Adalbert (997). Bishop, Martyr. (Current, Historical)
  • St. George (303). Martyr, Patron or Patroness. Patron of England, and of those with skin disease. (Current, Traditional)

ST. GEORGE was born in Cappadocia, at the close of the third century, of Christian parents. In early youth he chose a soldier’s life, and soon obtained the favor of Diocletian, who advanced him to the grade of tribune. When, however, the Emperor began to persecute the Christians, George rebuked him at once sternly and openly for his cruelty, and threw up his commission. He was in consequence subjected to a lengthened series of torments, and finally beheaded. There was something so inspiriting in the defiant cheerfulness of the young soldier that every Christian felt a personal share in this triumph of Christian fortitude; and as years rolled on, St. George became a type of successful combat against evil, the slayer of the dragon, the darling theme of camp song and story, until “so thick a shade his very glory round him made” that his real lineaments became hard to trace. Even beyond the circle of Christendom he was held in honor, and invading Saracens taught themselves to except from desecration the image of him they hailed as the “White-horsed Knight.” The devotion to St. George is one of the most ancient and widely spread in the Church. In the East, a church of St. George is ascribed to Constantine, and his name is invoked in the most ancient liturgies; whilst in the West, Malta, Barcelona, Valencia, Arragon, Genoa, and England have chosen him as their patron.

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REFLECTION: “What shall I say of fortitude, without which neither wisdom nor justice is of any worth? Fortitude is not of the body, but is a constancy of soul; wherewith we are conquerors in righteousness, patiently bear all adversities, and in prosperity are not puffed up. This fortitude he lacks who is overcome by pride, anger, greed, drunkenness, and the like. Neither have they fortitude who when in adversity make shift to escape at their souls’ expense; wherefore the Lord saith, ‘Fear not those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.’ In like manner those who are puffed up in prosperity and abandon themselves to excessive joviality cannot be called strong. For how can they be called strong who cannot hide and repress the heart’s emotion? Fortitude is never conquered, or if conquered, is not fortitude.” –St. Bruno.


NATURAL RIGHT. Human right coming from the Author of nature and directly based on the natural law. It is absolutely unchangeable and is the foundation of all positive rights. All civil laws, therefore, are only as valid as they are based on the natural rights of the citizen. Thus, e.g., the unborn child has a natural right to life that no political authority may take away.

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)


Enjoy daily meditations this Easter from Fr. Richard Clarke, SJ. Short and powerful, written in 1880 for busy lay people to reap rewards through Eastertide: 25. — The Fishing of the Apostles.

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The Bellarmine Forum

Founded in 1965 as The Wanderer Forum Foundation 

P.O. Box 542
Hudson, WI  54016-0542

A Wisconsin Nonprofit Corporation
and Section 501(c)3 Public Charity

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