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BRIDGET was born of the Swedish royal family, A.D. 1304. In obedience to her father, she was married to Prince Ulpho of Sweden, and became the mother of eight children, one of whom, Catherine, is honored as a Saint. After some years, she and her husband separated by mutual consent. He entered the Cistercian Order, and Bridget founded the Order of St. Saviour, in the Abbey of Wastein, in Sweden. In 1344 she became a widow, and thenceforth received a series of the most sublime revelations, all of which she scrupulously submitted to the judgment of her confessor. By the command of our Lord, Bridget went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and amidst the very scenes of the Passion was further instructed in the sacred mysteries. She died A.D. 1373.

REFLECTION: “Is confession a matter of much time or expense?” asks St. John Chrysostom. “Is it a difficult and painful remedy? Without cost or hurt, the medicine is ever ready to restore you to perfect health.”


INFINITY OF GOD. The boundless perfection of God. According to the teaching of the Church, God is “infinite in intellect and will and in every perfection” (First Vatican Council, Session III, Chapter I). In him there is no potentiality but only pure actuality. This means more than affirming that God has no limitations. He has within himself the fullness of all perfection, whether knowledge or power or being.

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)

This article, OCTOBER 8 – ST. BRIDGET OF SWEDEN. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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