Get the Book That Slices Through the False Dilemma of Vatican II
Rated "Better than Advertised..."
Slaying the "Spirit" of Vatican II
With the Light of Truth.
You know the problems suffocating us today: bad liturgy, bad theology, humanism masquerading as the divine religion. On and on we can go until the felt banners cover everything. You aren't into holding hands and swaying to guitar-ridden folk hymns! You're into the God become Man Who now comes to us in person in the Sacraments! But how do you deal with the constant flow? Who's your ally and guide in this mess?
Your Guide to "Keep the Faith"
If you mention Vatican II among sincere Catholics, many will just dismiss it at once. We can't blame them for wanting to erase this mess, but that will not happen. Progressives (Modernists) in the Church have continued to advance their novelties and deconstructions of our faith, all while using the mantra that Vatican II mandated it. No, it didn't.
The "Spirit" From the Progressives...
All sorts of madness was brought in Catholicism by the modernist progressives who justified themselves as acting in the "Spirit of Vatican II." From them, the liturgy was deconstructed with banal hymns, ugly wreckovations, and desacralization of sacred spaces. But the worst parts were the relativism, novelties, and speculation... ushering in humanism. Many thought it was over with, but it's back again.

What Many People Do
is pretend that it will all be erased ... *someday* and everything will magically revert to earlier times. They hope that by ignoring Vatican II, the problems will just go away. Instead, by not engaging in informed discussion on it, the problems fester.
Imagine Being Able to See Vatican II as the path out of this mess!
Your Best Guide
In 1965, the Wanderer Forum Foundation was founded for this purpose: to stand against the tides of error! The Forum is here to help you, a faithful Catholic, understand and survive the onslaught of progressive modernism, Marxist deconstruction, and error. Today, we are the Bellarmine Forum. We bring 52 years of experience helping keep sanity. We live to prepare the Church Militant for battle!
This Book Is Your Trusty Handbook to Vatican II
As with Vatican II, anyone can go read the documents, but that's only getting you so far. We've assembled the best thinking on the Council today and put that wisdom and knowledge in a concise book ready for you to arm yourself with reality. The entire book is 308 pages, assembled from 30 essays that cover Vatican II. This book makes it easy for you to research a single topic as needed, or survey the entire Council.
Rated 5 Stars by Reviewers on Amazon
A wonderful compilation explaining in detail the misinterpretations of Vatican II, the removal of the "sacred" and the rise of the laity in the Catholic Church.
The book is even better than advertised. Needs to be read by every serious Catholic born after Vatican II. -- Ocean Kayaker

308 pages
30 essays
Excellent authors, including Bishop Paprocki, Fr. Aroujo, Charlie Rice, Frank Moriss, and many more!
- If the only thing you got from Slaying the Spirit of Vatican II was Fr. Aroujo’s explanation of the documents and his reasoning -- including a section that explains that Religious Liberty is not a libertine license to individuals, it’d be worth it.
- If the only thing you got from Slaying the Spirit of Vatican II was Bishop Paprocki’s vision of how true reform will work, with Vatican II, it’d be worth it.
- If the only thing you got from Slaying the Spirit of Vatican II was the “Fast Facts about Vatican II” reference sheet that will give you instant recall to these things, it’d be worth it.
Not only do you get all these things, but so much more!
Don’t let another opportunity to move the Church forward pass you by… Hardly a day goes by without something else bad happening that is blamed on Vatican II. Acting like Vatican II is going to disappear isn’t solving the problems today. Get the book right now and start being part of the solution!
Imagine Being Able to Explain why it's not the fault of Vatican II...
a VERY informative and readable book... Most Catholics upset with the State of the Church blame it on Vatican II!! I tell them not so, and this book verifies it. -- T.M.
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