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ST. JEROME, born in Dalmatia, A.D. 329, was sent to school at Rome. His boyhood was not free from fault. His thirst for knowledge was excessive, and his love of books a passion. He had studied under the best masters, visited foreign cities, and devoted himself to the pursuit of science. But Christ had need of his strong will and active intellect for the service of His Church. St. Jerome felt and obeyed the call, made a vow of celibacy, fled from Rome to the wild Syrian desert, and there for four years learnt in solitude, penance, and prayer a new lesson of divine wisdom. This was his novitiate. The Pope soon summoned him to Rome, and there put upon the now famous Hebrew scholar the task of revising the Latin Bible, which was to be his noblest work. Retiring thence to his beloved Bethlehem, the eloquent hermit poured forth from his solitary cell for thirty years a stream of luminous writings upon the Christian world.

REFLECTION: “To know,” says St. Basil, “how to submit thyself with thy whole soul, is to know how to imitate Christ.”


SIMILITUDE. Some likeness or resemblance of one to another. Similitudes are the basis of all teaching of revealed truth. We come to know, more or less, of the meaning of the mysteries of faith by means of comparison with things that are known by reason. Every truth of revelation is communicated to the world as a similitude, e.g., grace as life, sacraments as signs, the Church as a body, heaven as a kingdom. (Etym. Latin similitudo, likeness.)

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)

This article, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 – ST. JEROME, DOCTOR. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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