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DO IT TODAY: A Quick and Simple Way to Stand Up for Humanae Vitae

Tomorrow, April 8th, is the last day for public comments to be lodged on the third version of the HHS Contraception Mandate portion of the PPACA, a.k.a. “Obamacare” health care regulations.


Earlier this year, in response to a court order demanding that the government create an exemption for plaintiff’s in the Wheaton College case, Dpt. of Health and Human Services released the current version of the contraceptive mandate, which, among other things, requires every health insurance plan and health care provider to teat contraceptives, voluntary sterilization, and abortion causing drugs as legitimate alternatives to pregnancy.


Humanae Vitae, and all history of the church declares these things to be evil. It is no surprise to our readers. If you have stumbled on this page and are not clear on Catholic teachings, or even on the natural reasons why contraception destroys humanity, voluntary sterilization mutilates healthy persons, and abortion kills innocent life, here is a primer by our favored Father John A. Hardon: See,  Fr. Hardon Archives – Contraception: Fatal to the Faith and to Eternal Life:

The single most crucial need to stem this hemorrhage from the Catholic Faith is for the Church’s leaders to stand behind the Vicar of Christ in proclaiming the Church’s two millennia of teaching that no marital act can be separated from its God-given purpose to conceive and procreate a child.

I make bold to say that the Catholic Church, the real Roman Catholic Church, will survive only where her bishops are courageous enough to proclaim what the followers of Christ have believed since apostolic times. But the bishops are frail human beings. They need, Lord how they need, the backing and support of the faithful under their care.

Please read the rest of that article, too. IF you are unclear on the history of the Catholic Church’s teachings against contraception, Fr. Hardon has an excellent history of the matter:  Fr. Hardon Archives – The Catholic Tradition on the Morality of Contraception.

If you think the recent news to redefine marriage and civil unions affects the family, then you need to read about the root cause:  Fr. Hardon Archives – Either Stop Contraception or Destroy the Family


The government is only allowing Churches, and organizations that are essentially churches, and declare themselves as such to be exempt. Individuals have no choice:  they must accept what their employer is mandated to do. Do you really want to be forced by your employer to accept this stuff? What happens later when employers are measuring how expensive their family coverage is, and see that contraception, sterilization, or abortifacients are cheaper than bringing a child to term?

They are already trying to penalize Smokers and People who are obese (regardless of cause). What makes you think they won’t do this to families with more than one or two children?


Without getting into a long dissertation on the legal underpinnings, it is my personal opinion that this mandate would usher a near future where couples who have more children than what the government considers to be “affordable” will be forced to accept alternatives mandated in the current law: namely, take contraception, be sterilized, or use abortion-causing drugs OR face a steep surcharge (that will likely be unaffordable to any reasonable family).

In short, this isn’t a one child policy, but it will make having more than one (or whatever other arbitrary number the bureaucrats select) so ridiculously expensive that no one will be able to do so unless they have excessive means or break the law.

Solution Step 1 – Comment Today!

Yes, you’ve likely seen the news about various religious employers litigating to gain the right to be exempt. But why do you allow your employer to determine what healthcare services you must accept? Doesn’t the constitution allow each of us, as individuals, to be free to practice our religion and be free from the government forcing us to accept contrary beliefs? The problem is that the law today does not allow you and I to be exempt as individuals. That’s the comment to put in the comment box!

Here’s a quick paragraph for you to copy and paste into your comment field on the government site:

I am an individual person who believes in the teachings of the Catholic Church, and I sincerely believe that contraception, voluntary sterilization, and abortion causing drugs are evil. Religious belief and common sense are not exclusive to Churches, yet your regulation tries to make them the only places to have religious freedom. I have religious beliefs as an individual! I support the teachings of Humanae Vitae!

I do not want to be compelled by government force to accept these evils, or even to be forced to call them good. Your current mandate does not give me an exemption nor does it adequately protect the rights of everyone and anyone to be free from this mandated evil. You must change this mandate to permit everyone and anyone to be exempt entirely from this evil.

Where to make your comment:

Go to this link on – Docket Folder Summary

The screen should look like this, and you want to click the “Comment now” button:


You will be taken to the comment screen, where you can paste our comment from above as your own, or make your own that tells the HHS that the mandate is wrong and must be eliminated, or reformed to permit anyone to be exempt.

You do not have to fill in your name or other details if you don’t want to.

Step 2 Pray:

Say a Hail Mary that this evil be subdued.

May God have mercy on us!

Step 3 Forward to a friend!

Email, use facebook links below, twitter, all of it — get the word out that comments are due Monday by midnight!

UPDATE: If the form will not let you proceed without entering an organization, you can enter “myself” or “personal” or “as an individual”.

This article, DO IT TODAY: A Quick and Simple Way to Stand Up for Humanae Vitae is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.

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