Where do we go from here?

For the two earlier issues, we looked at all the attacks on the family, and analyzed the importance of the family. Issue 3 presents the solutions!
Our last issue of the Bellarmine Forum magazine in 2015, “Evangelizing the Family,” lends itself to plenty of food for thought. You ask, why would the family need evangelizing? The answer is simple.
Families are surrounded by a secular, cancerous society, eating away at all that is good and pure and holy. It’s difficult under the best circumstances to be immune to the siren call of the world’s temptations. Only a strong Faith and education in that Faith will help thwart the invasive tentacles of evil. The only way to victory is for families to learn their Faith, live it in charity and love towards all and with hope in God’s promises. It’s a wonderful life to live in the joy and love of Christ Jesus and families need to learn and share that gift. No one said it would be easy, this trudging up the mountain in search of the heavenly reward while others are enjoying the ride downhill, but it is by the sign of the cross at our Baptism and the militant grace of Confirmation that we carry on, helping each other on the journey.
From the Back Cover:
“If evangelization is not found in marriages, in Christian homes, in families, it will not be found in the Church and in society.”
Those wise words in Cardinal Burke’s article in this issue of the Bellarmine Forum magazine contain the essence of the Year of the Family — the recognition that the family is the center of civilization. It is a school where members learn right from wrong, self-giving love versus selfish hate, the meaning of true peace and abundant charity. It also prepares its members for meeting the world head on with courage and faith.
So why is marriage and the family as traditionally known under attack?
It is because they are symbols of the love of God and all that is good and holy and pure — a worldview totally in opposition to the godless secular state. The family is life and light bearing, while society questions the value of human life and the resources wasted on preserving it.
David Deavel wrote, “It is clear the next age of the Church will be formed from the lives of both saints and martyrs — and we don’t know which we are called to be.” We do know, however, that we will be called on to take a stand, to evangelize by bearing witness to the truth as we have learned it, to our very belief in the God who created us.
It is to defend the family and help its mission of evangelization that the Bellarmine Forum has committed its magazines in 2015.
This article, Magazine: Evangelizing the Family! Winter 2015, Issue 3 is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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