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Where Is Catholic Charities USA?

The usual suspects are mocking pro-lifers mercilessly because an obscure politician garbled a sentence in a TV interview (so that’s news??!!).

Yet the issue has now been raised — what will become of the children of women who are raped? Why shouldn’t they be aborted?

Apart from all the other back-and-forth, why haven’t the bishops, and their employees at Catholic Charities, stepped up to the plate to  assure the public that there are loving couples waiting in line to adopt **every** child conceived in these circumstances, however “unwanted,” “unplanned,” or “forced” on the mother?

Clearly we have a teaching moment here. Your Excellencies, please tell the world that the laity will stand behind you in your defense of life – not just with words, but with love, prayers, and, yes, sacrifice.


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