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The Deadly Duo

He walks on stage, arms waving, huge smile, even a dance kick or two like a rock star. Yessir, VP candidate Tim Walz is living the dream. He’s a White House wannabe who can talk incessantly on anything and wants to spread so-called Midwestern values.

And Kamala Harris, huge grin, huge laugh, joining Walz in jokes about “white guy tacos” and professing her allegiance to women’s issues, abortion, et al., all the while dreaming up government policies she promises to put in place – policies she neither understands nor cares about. 

Just words, both of them. The name of the game for the Joy Campaign – filled with effervescent smiles and giggles – is GET.THE.VOTE.  Yes, do anything to get votes for the Harris/Walz clown team. Promise the people everything but give them a line of lies so evil as to be worthy of Satan himself.

A little preview: Just before the Democratic National Convention met in Chicago to confirm the anointed ones as candidates, Planned Parenthood rolled in a mobile health clinic just  a mile from the convention center to service reproductive health on August 19-20, the first days of the convention. The offer: 

News Stories celebrate the “Free” Planned Parenthood “Clinic” outside the DNC

“Here we come, Chicago! Our mobile health clinic will be in the West Loop…providing FREE vasectomies & medication abortion…EC will also be available for free without an appointment” (Fox News, Sarah Rumpf-Whitten, Aug. 17).

The only thing missing from this display of evil and anticipated debauchery was a written endorsement in small print, “Brought to you by the Democratic National Committee” or “Harris/Walz Committee.” I wonder if voting information, registration forms or early ballot sign-up forms were available at the Planned Parenthood event.

It’s all about women’s right to choose for Harris/Walz. They think their campaign on reproductive rights aimed at women will turn the tide of voters in their favor. In effect, they are not uplifting women with this tactic, they are cementing the image that women are fluff-heads, unable to see beyond unbridled sexual activity and think well enough to pierce other issues hiding beneath the surface of a campaign threatening the American way of life.

How about Tim Walz and the “Midwestern values” he wants to bring to us all. Values?

These are not my values. Nor was the hotline established to report neighbors who did not comply with Covid mask rules and rules about how many guests you could have at your home. Nor is the recently established hotline which people can use to complain about the neighbors who annoy them. Folks in Minnesota were assured the state wouldn’t keep a list of names – so why establish such a hotline?

Midwestern values? These things are more like the values of the Chinese Communist regime, which Tim Walz has visited tens of times.

A value is something cherished and preserved because it is good and just and right.There is nothing of the sort in Tim Walz. Kamala Harris is no better, her records as Attorney General in California, and as District Attorney in San Francisco are just as tarnished. Both of these people are gyrating politicians whose actions, or lack thereof, speak louder than their smooth words and giggles.

My premonition of evil continues.

This article, The Deadly Duo is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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