
An Evil Twist

Kamala Harris’s potential presidential campaign already looks like propaganda and brainwashing efforts. Harris’s focus on women’s rights seems to be a façade for promoting abortion and it’s likely that the media, controlled by women, will be biased against Trump and Vance. It also posits that liberal ideologies have eroded family values and suggests that Harris’s campaign will further such policies while misrepresenting facts. The author perceives this election as sinister and laden with deceit, urging prayers for divine protection and intervention.


Happy Father’s Day!

Fathers play a crucial role in shaping a child’s worldview and providing emotional, physical, and spiritual stability. The Bible emphasizes the importance of fatherhood in guiding families with love and discipline. Abortion disproportionately affects Black communities, diminishing fatherhood’s value and causing significant demographic losses. This impact is intertwined with systemic issues, highlighted by historical and ongoing advocacy against abortion within African American communities.



The author criticizes Planned Parenthood, accusing it of using deceptive slogans and telehealth services to promote abortions for profit. They allege that Planned Parenthood prioritizes financial gains over genuine care, exploiting election periods and influencing public opinion through misleading campaigns. The author doubts the safety and ethics of chemical abortions and dismisses the organization’s motives.


Where is Truth?

“What is truth?” Pilate asked Jesus. I have a hard time when reading those words aloud because there are two ways to interpret them. Most people take them at face value, an honest question about the meaning of truth. On the other hand, what if, in truth, Pilate had a “who cares” inflection to the words. What…



The local parish’s updated Stations of the Cross booklet, focused on imaginative engagement with Christ’s perspective, caused discontent particularly by interfering with the point of saying the stations, impacting the writer’s husband, who misses the traditional solemnity. It seems the booklet is unsuitable for group worship.


Life on the Line – A Peek at Evil

​“Abortion is healthcare!” The voice was loud over the portable megaphone as he approached. “Abortion is legal!” ​The guy with the megaphone came walking toward our group of eight pro-lifers gathered in front of a Planned Parenthood satellite in Little Canada. He stopped in the middle of the group, but moved out onto the very edge of the sidewalk…


Parallel Universe

In The Passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson shows us the raw power of evil and manipulation that Jesus encountered. Can we relate to this in our own lives? Read to find out!


Who Do You Belong To?

Are we to believe every single Democrat politician wants abortion-on-demand? Who do they belong to, Christ or the party? What do these women get when they go to a reproductive health clinic? Is the media helping or hindering this issue?


The Modern Herods

Are modern Herods in power using prenatal testing to convince people to terminate unborn children? Discover just some of the lies and evil surrounding us


Life on the Line – Christmas Prelude

More beeps and thumbs up made the day brighter for our little group on December 17. And in honor of her birthday, Veronica wanted a new sign, with a targeted message: Every Child Deserves a Birthday. She escaped the knife to have a birthday, she is adamant that other unborn children should have that chance,…