
The Quiet Constant Voice of Roman Catholicism for 59 Years

Founded in 1965, the Bellarmine Forum (Wanderer Forum Foundation) is a public charity dedicated to helping you find the true Catholic faith, enjoy it, and prosper in your life with God, His angels, and His saints.


Our Lord for nearly seventeen hundred years endured in silence all the ingratitude of men.  Some faithful hearts had been devoted to Him, but from the generality He had received neglect, coldness, indifference, sometimes outrage, insult, sacrilege.  He had witnessed the revolt of thousands and tens of thousands from the Church’s yoke.  Satan had usurped His place in their hearts, and they had heaped every sort of indignity on His servants, on His Church, on Himself in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  They had denied His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament; they had castoff His yoke and persecuted His servants.

 At length Our Lord found one heart to which He could confide the story of His disappointments, and tell the tale of His sufferings. Saint Margaret Mary* was an unknown, obscure, a poor, feeble woman.  But she was so dear to His Heart that He determined to tell her of His griefs, and entrust to her the task of obtaining for Him some comfort and relief in His sorrows.  How great a privilege was hers!  Would that I had something of her love!

Maybe you could be one of those in whom the Sacred Heart can confide?  

OCTOBER 15, 2024 – ST. TERESA.

  • St. Teresa of Jesus (St. Teresa of Avila) (1582). Doctor of the Church, Religious, Virgin. Patroness of headache sufferers. (Current, Traditional)

THEN a child of seven years, Teresa ran away from her home at Avila in Spain, in the hope of being martyred by the Moors. Being brought back and asked the reason of her flight, she replied, “I want to see God, and I must die before I can see Him.” She then began with her brother to build a hermitage in the garden, and was often heard repeating “Forever, forever.” Some years later she became a Carmelite nun. Frivolous conversations checked her progress towards perfection, but at last, in her thirty-first year, she gave herself wholly to God. A vision showed her the very place in hell to which her own light faults would have led her; and she lived ever after in the deepest distrust of self. She was called to reform her Order, favored with distinct commands from our Lord, and her heart was pierced with divine love; but she dreaded nothing so much as delusion, and to the last acted only under obedience to her confessors, which both made her strong and kept her safe. She died on October 4th, 1582.

Bf saints 10 15 blog

REFLECTION: “After all I die a child of the Church.” These were the Saint’s last words. They teach us the lesson of her life to trust in humble, childlike obedience to our spiritual guides as the surest means of salvation.


HERESY. Commonly refers to a doctrinal belief held in opposition to the recognized standards of an established system of thought. Theologically it means an opinion at variance with the authorized teachings of any church, notably the Christian, and especially when this promotes separation from the main body of faithful believers.

In the Roman Catholic Church, heresy has a very specific meaning. Anyone who, after receiving baptism, while remaining nominally a Christian, pertinaciously denies or doubts any of the truths that must be believed with divine and Catholic faith is considered a heretic. Accordingly four elements must be verified to constitute formal heresy; previous valid baptism, which need not have been in the Catholic Church; external profession of still being a Christian, otherwise a person becomes an apostate; outright denial or positive doubt regarding a truth that the Catholic Church has actually proposed as revealed by God; and the disbelief must be morally culpable, where a nominal Christian refuses to accept what he knows is a doctrinal imperative.

Objectively, therefore, to become a heretic in the strict canonical sense and be excommunicated from the faithful, one must deny or question a truth that is taught not merely on the authority of the Church but on the word of God revealed in the Scriptures or sacred tradition. Subjectively a person must recognize his obligation to believe. If he acts in good faith, as with most persons brought up in non-Catholic surroundings, the heresy is only material and implies neither guilt nor sin against faith. (Etym. Latin haeresis, from the Greek hairesis, a taking, choice, sect, heresy.)

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)

October, Month of the Rosary

Maria Magnificata. Short Meditations for October, the Month of the Rosary. 15th Day — Mary’s Purification.

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The Bellarmine Forum

Founded in 1965 as The Wanderer Forum Foundation 

P.O. Box 542
Hudson, WI  54016-0542

A Wisconsin Nonprofit Corporation
and Section 501(c)3 Public Charity

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