I’ve made it to the big time, folks. There it was in the mail last week, a Planned Parenthood membership card; they even got the name right.
Me? I’d laugh if it wasn’t a sick ploy for votes. It’s an election year and what better way to campaign for death-to-the-unborn candidates than an innocuous invite to join an organization championing “care.” Yes, that’s the new banner that Planned Parenthood is hiding their evil behind this year. Their new slogan, Care. No Matter What, is printed right there on the back of the membership card.
“We will always fight for the right to control our bodies and futures,” the accompanying letter states. “Planned Parenthood is resolute in our commitment to connect all people to the care they need – no matter what.”

Care. After mentioning that abortion bans and restrictions are “harming millions of people,” the letter notes that lawmakers and their supporters “also want to restrict birth control, control people’s freedom of movement [by restricting crossing state lines to procure abortions], and criminalize gender-affirming care.” The last item is the newest cause célèbre, relevant only insofar as it involves neutralizing reproductive capacity in people who think they want to effect a crossover in the he/she spectrum.
The PP organization is for anything that limits human reproduction and puts money in their coffers. Their call for reproductive rights is really a call for reproductive destruction. The letter calls for support for their alleged “good” work, and of course, begs for funds to expand their services.
Care. Just how caring is it to have a telehealth visit in which a provider – perhaps not even a doctor, in Minnesota doctors aren’t required for abortion “care” – listens and just signs off on the lethal Mifepristone/Misoprostol combination. No physical presence needed, no examination to be sure of gestational age, just pay for the visit, get the name on the prescription right, and turn off the app. One woman, perhaps unsure about her decision in the first place, wept while recounting it, saying she wasn’t treated like a human being, “I wasn’t even worth a personal visit with the doctor.”
She is correct, she isn’t worth a person-to-person visit, her credit card payment/cash/insurance/medical assistance is all that matters. There is a real danger prescribing abortion in this way, because a physician’s exam is supposedly required to verify the gestational age is before ten weeks. Is it because the pills won’t work after ten weeks? But women have reported using the pills to abort later than 10 weeks along. Cynic that I am, I wonder if the magic number of ten weeks is because for sure after that point, the preborn child is more identifiable and there could be trauma in such a discovery. This isn’t care, this is a CYA tactic.
There’s a reason for pushing telehealth for chemical abortions. According to Brian Gibson in the Prolife Action Ministries Update (May 26, 2024), research shows 63% of abortions are now by chemicals, and the advantage to this, lauded in an article in US News and World Report is that it keeps women away from facilities. After all, there are pesky pro-lifers at facilities who might change the minds of prospective clients with facts.
Care. Health care doesn’t usually mean engineering the death of one of the patients being treated. Care isn’t proliferating lies that limiting abortion access is a “public health crisis” or has “made pregnancy more dangerous.” Care isn’t prescribing drugs that have never been studied long term. Mifepristone abruptly stops the flow of the progesterone the body is pouring into sustaining the pregnancy. Yes, low progesterone can cause natural miscarriage, but that is a body’s internal response. An abrupt chemical cessation of a natural hormone response to pregnancy could have dangerous effects later in life. No one knows if that possibility exists, it hasn’t been studied; nor has the effect of repeated chemical abortions on the human body been studied. It is a worrisome thought; after all, it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.
Care. No Matter What. I care. I sent the Planned Parenthood garbage back to them in their postage-paid return envelope with my own response card:

This article, Care? is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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