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ACTION ALERT! AmChurch Meat Grinder returns to Church of Our Saviour in New York

Our Saviour Parish NYC BeforeOver the decades, I have encountered the lame, stupid, and frankly tendentious “excuses” given by the apparatchiks of destruction, the front men for the insatiable beast of hell otherwise known as AmChurch (see, e.g. this post). The most inane tripe is passed off on the authority of a position to do the most treacherous things. For instance, last year, the current pastor of Church of Our Saviour claimed that the sanctuary lamps were sent out for cleaning…  but yet, they were never returned (see Wreckovators say the silliest things).  You only have a few options to respond to this stuff. 1) pull your hair out and realize that these idiots think you are stupid; 2) realize that “Judases in the Church” has a real tangible meaning, and that some of these Judases enjoy being so; 3) pray and hope that the Old Testament days of people being hit by lightning and turned to salt pillars returns; or, 4) storm the bishop and burn his phone lines up with attention. Maybe all of the above is possible. I’d like to see a reprise of the money changers scene, or the “blind guides” speech for starters.

I’ve tried to chronicle the reports of the slow destruction of the Church of Our Saviour (see links above and “Who needs Isis? Amchurch…” or the others). I don’t always spell “Saviour” the same way, and perhaps it’s because I’m a little too irritated.

It is always an incremental game with these guys, though. They wait — like a snake, they lie in wait for an exposed heel. Then, they go right on their merry way.

Today, however, the artist that made the icons in the Church reported the following on his Facebook page:

Click the image to go to the Facebook post itself.


What’s worse is that Woo also reports that the pastor is on vacation in the Hamptons. So, he learned from the past times that people get upset — or he is regularly not present when major contractor work is done to his parish. I’m not sure, but seems to me that if I hired guys to come in and tear things out of my house, I’d want to be there to see that they did it right and didn’t harm anything. Nevertheless, pray.

They are reportedly going to tear all the remaining icons out. INCLUDING THE PANTOCRATOR.

If you want to Make your Voice heard…

Mr. Woo painted these and he asks that we call the cardinal’s office:


Moreover, others have posted the email of the auxiliary bishop, Bishop John O’Hara at John.O’Hara -AT-  I hope you can assemble that into a usable email address on your own. The domain is “” and the name to put in front of the @ symbol is “John.O’Hara”

Personally, I would do both. Call, call and ask for everyone. Email, too.

Do it. It’s worth it.

Ask Our Lord to have mercy on the guy that thinks this is a good idea, too. As much as I’d like to see a salt pillar and lightning bolts, it’d be better if Our Lord convert him back to Cahtolicism and love of Our Lord.

This article, ACTION ALERT! AmChurch Meat Grinder returns to Church of Our Saviour in New York is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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