The comedian used to say it: “There I was, minding my own d*#$! business, when all of a sudden…” and he’d spin a story. The best part was that none of it seemed like it could fit together. To this day, I will still say it like that comedian because it makes me laugh…
So, there you are, minding your own business, enjoying the beach, and all of a sudden dolphins swim up to the shore, throw something on the beach and then swim away. What would you do?
A Russian Colonel and his wife had that exact thing happen. Reported in Ruskline (Russian People’s Line):
On May 17, the colonel, along with his wife, sat on the seashore in Sochi, enjoying the clean sea air and the vastness of the watery surface. Suddenly their attention was attracted by a flock of dolphins that swam to the shore: the couple even managed to count them – precisely one dozen.
Soon it became clear why these intelligent marine animals crowded here – they were pushing something out of the water, and when they did their job, they immediately swam away.
The strange thing that the dolphins brought ashore was all mud and looked very unpresentable at first sight, which made few people pay attention to him, although not only the colonel and his wife were resting near the sea at the time. Eventually, the wife asked her husband to see what the dolphins had pushed out of the sea. [isn’t this how all wives are?]
The witness of the event decided to consider the unexpected gift of the marine inhabitants. The colonel raised a mysterious object, cleared it of mud and … experienced a real shock, as a moment later, and his wife. It was an icon of the Mother of God (later it was revealed – [it was the icon named] “The Sign”).
The eyes of the Mother of God looked at the man from the ancient icon. As the shrine could be on the seabed – no one knows, and scientists can not understand why the dolphins realized that it must be urgently delivered to the shore and given to people. It turns out that dolphins perfectly understood the value of this icon for people and that it does not have a place at the bottom of the sea …
whoa… whoa… whoa!
[by the way, I love the editorial that this Russian news source added to this where they state matter-of-factly that the dolphins “perfectly understood” that the icon did not belong on the sea bed. There is in that one statement a lot.
The pictures they posted say a lot:
Found in such a miraculous manner, an icon was brought to Moscow by the same person who stands next to Barnabas’s father (in a sports sweatshirt) – a retired colonel, a veteran of the Alpha group. Her want to show His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyril, while telling him this truly fantastic story about the Miracle … Photo: Ruskline
Photo: Ruskline
If that isn’t enough for you, then consider this… This isn’t the first time such has happened in Sochi. Several years earlier, sea animals made sure that an Iveron Icon of the Blessed Mother was also delivered out of the sea back to the people. (see that report here).
What do you think? Spinning a yarn, or are the animals helping to restore things jettisoned to sea by Soviets?
You have to admit that it’s a nice story to report on though…
This article, There I was, Minding my Own *** Business, when Dolphins brought an Icon ??!!! is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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