gay totalitarianism

From Under the Rubble…Perversion’s Progress

“”La bandera del orgullo #LGTB ondea hoy en la embajada por el Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia”. – El Mundo, Madrid Translation: The flag of LGBT Pride waves today above the US Embassy in Madrid in honor of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. Robert Reilly spent years plowing through thousands…


The Totalitarianism of Equality

Even though I have differed in some conclusions from the late Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. in discussing the life of the Church in the context of the United States, I have always agreed with his proper framing of the question: The question is sometimes raised, whether Catholicism is compatible with American democracy. The question is…


From Under the Rubble…Hail to the Dictators!

It’s the Redskins versus the Crybabies in the Victims Bowl. Washington’s beloved pro football team is just the latest target of opportunity for the racial hucksters who are writing the next edition of Big Brother’s NewSpeak Dictionary. Like Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, however, the professional malcontents are actually conducting a false flag operation to keep…


From Under the Rubble…The Charitable Burden of Truth

“The best way of treating people with dignity is to tell them the truth.” Now there’s a revolutionary idea. In fact, it’s a Catholic idea, and these days, in a world where reality has been turned upside down, the Catholic devotion to truth – to the Way, the Truth, and the Life – might well be revolutionary….