
The Catholic presence on the internet is certainly not lacking. Not lacking also is commentary from individual Catholics as well as those who are part of larger entities–indeed, if you follow the Bellarmine Forum, you are intrigued with the commentary we offer. We hope it is not only enjoyable and informative but, perhaps, provides a different take on some of the issues of the day. As Catholics, we know that there is no such thing as the compartmentalization of our lives. We’re not Catholics “on Sunday only;” rather, our lives should be illumined and vivified by the faith in every aspect. It should be the air we breathe.

In choosing to promote some fellow Catholic friends on our website we have chosen those who have this same outlook. Those who believe that “cult” is the center of culture and those who have bonded together loyal to the Pope–as it were, as links in “Peter’s chains.” We find it opportune to introduce some of these solid sites to our our readership as a sure guide to reclaiming the culture and as fellow travelers with the Bellarmine Forum in building up the Church.


logoSt. Austin Review–“The St. Austin Review (StAR) is the premier international journal of Catholic culture, literature, and ideas. In its pages, printed every two months, some of the brightest and most vigorous minds around meet to explore the people, ideas, movements, and events that shape and misshape our world. Contributors to StAR are poets, philosophers, artists, theologians, historians, and journalists, together giving StAR the breadth and depth necessary for its “unique and worthwhile project.”  Check out StAR’s blog “The Ink Desk” for some insightful commentary and age-old wisdom.

StAugPressSt. Augustine’s Press–“St. Augustine’s Press was founded in December 1996 with the mission of publishing outstanding scholarly works, principally in the fields of philosophy, theology, and cultural and intellectual history.”   Based in South Bend, Indiana with access to resources that tap the wellsprings of the Catholic intellectual tradition, St. Augustine’s Press carries titles by such luminaries as Ralph McInerny, Fr. James Schall, S.J. and our very own Charles E. Rice.

topbannerThe Cardinal Kung Foundation–“[The mission of the Cardinal Kung Foundation] is to promote the Roman Catholic Church in China, now under persecution through increased prayers, financial support, and other appropriate projects.”  The Foundation is named for the heroic Cardinal Archbishop of Shanghai who was tortured and imprisoned for his faith after Mao’s Cultural Revolution of 1949. The organization documents and fights the continuing communist persecution of Catholics in China and supports the training of priests for the underground Church. The Cardinal Kung Foundation has been a presence at past Wanderer Forum conferences.

hu-cardinal-mindszenty-2The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation–“The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation is a worldwide, non-profit educational organization which offers reliable information on the nature, propaganda and goals of atheistic Communism. Founded in 1958 by Rev. C. Stephen Dunker, C.M., a missionary expelled from China by the Communists, the Foundation provides reliable information on the secular attacks on faith and family values; upholds the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church, and exposes persecutions and abuses of human rights around the globe. The Foundation’s name honors the late Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary, a saintly hero, who refused to compromise with the evils of Communism and endured 23 years of imprisonment and isolation.”  The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation has long been an ally of the Wanderer Forum Foundation, now the Bellarmine Forum, and both have been at the forefront of exposing Leftist political infiltration of the Church.


Two of our favorite priest commentators are Fr. John Zuhlsdorf and Fr. Kevin Michael Cusick. Both have inspiring and informative blogs, not least of which provides much spiritual sustenance to the faithful for whom they are specially chosen by God as servants!

robertMoynihanPHd1Finally, The Moynihan Report is a “Catholic news concatenation and digest. Directed by Dr. Robert B. Moynihan, editor and founder of Inside the Vatican magazine.”  Dr. Moynihan is a trusted source for news about the Vatican and the workings of the Roman Pontiff and the Church. Very few journalists can come close to the depth of his knowledge on Church affairs and their relation to the culture at large.


Now go and give them a read…and tell them to plug The Bellarmine Forum as well! (After all, one good turn deserves another!)


chains-wp-gfdlSt. Peter’s chains enshrined at the Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. Photo licensed under GFDL.

This article, Links! is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.

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John M. DeJak

John M. DeJak is an attorney and Latin teacher and works in academic administration. He writes from Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Avatar photo gustavo rance says:

    Excuseme, Who is the man reeding the misal in the desert?
    from Buenos Aires Argentina

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