Big Government

From Under the Rubble…Who Killed the Mockingbird

There is a consistent theme that unites “progressive” advocates across a wide variety of the Left’s cultural causes. These hardened ideologues might make a perfunctory bow in the direction of “rights” and “diversity,” but they are united by a common purpose that seeks the ultimate destruction of the principles that form the fabric of the…


From Under the Rubble…Lapdogs of the Carnal Kennels

Lapdogs of the Carnal Kennels There abides a certain disequilibrium these days in the way that current events are translated by the media into the “news” stories of the day. Everyone knows it. But in an age where “What’s True For Me Might Not Be True For You,” it’s often met with an existential shrug….


From Under the Rubble…After the Deluge

The rubble hasn’t cleared, but some realities have come into view. On the Friday before the election, President Obama proposed a new civic virtue for our body politic. It’s called “revenge.” And it’s nothing new. Revenge has been around for a long time. Way back in the book of Exodus we read “an eye for…