From Under The Rubble
From Under the Rubble…The Selective Indignation of the Moralistic Left
“Sharpton, Matthews Blast Virginia’s Racist Voters” (Recent Headline, MSNBC News) Oh, you didn’t see that one? Don’t worry. Neither did I. I made it up. I’m sorry. Among all the commentary addressing the recent election results in Virginia, the Rubble notes a profound silence regarding an issue that usually haunts the imagination of professional moralizers….
Doublethink, Dictators, and Data Dumps
Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason. Sir John Harrington: When this weekly column began to run in a Catholic newspaper several years ago, it was called Room 101, invoking the name of the torture chamber in George Orwell’s Ministry of Love. That lasted about…