
The Feast of St. Andrew

While our minds should rightly turn towards the First Sunday of Advent, don’t forget the Feast of St. Andrew (November 30). The brother of St. Peter and one of Our Lord’s Apostles. Fr. Reginald Foster, OCD, former Papal Latinist gives us a perspective on one of the great relics of Christendom–Andrew’s head!  (I’ve written about an aspect…


Reno et Rudolphus

This is simply too good not to share!  “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” in Latin and Gregorian Chant!  A bit of fun on your Monday!  Check it out here (hat tip: Suscipe Sancte Pater)!  


Englishing the Liturgy

In presenting background for the 2011 linguistic changes in the Mass, the Wanderer Forum Foundation hopes to initiate a revitalization of faith. While many instructions to the faithful merely concentrate on the change in the words, we hope this background on the Mass explains why the change was needed to safeguard the true teachings of…