
The Totalitarianism of Equality

Even though I have differed in some conclusions from the late Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. in discussing the life of the Church in the context of the United States, I have always agreed with his proper framing of the question: The question is sometimes raised, whether Catholicism is compatible with American democracy. The question is…


From Under the Rubble…The Leviathan Goes Rogue

On the Sunday morning shows last week, Secretary of State John Kerry denounced Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine as a “brazen act of aggression.” Whatever that says about the Ukraine, Kerry’s highly-charged prose could equally describe the federal government’s manifest invasions of privacy here at home, its “brazen acts of aggression” against personal liberty, and its…


From Under the Rubble…Why Can’t We Just Leave?

“The problem our nation faces is very much like a marriage in which one partner has an established pattern of ignoring and breaking the marital vows.” So writes Walter Williams, one of the world’s most sensible economists. But don’t hold that against him: he’s also a realist. When the offending partner will not reform, he…


From Under the Rubble…The Charitable Burden of Truth

“The best way of treating people with dignity is to tell them the truth.” Now there’s a revolutionary idea. In fact, it’s a Catholic idea, and these days, in a world where reality has been turned upside down, the Catholic devotion to truth – to the Way, the Truth, and the Life – might well be revolutionary….


From Under the Rubble…Lapdogs of the Carnal Kennels

Lapdogs of the Carnal Kennels There abides a certain disequilibrium these days in the way that current events are translated by the media into the “news” stories of the day. Everyone knows it. But in an age where “What’s True For Me Might Not Be True For You,” it’s often met with an existential shrug….