
The Evident and the Transfigured

by Dr. Rebecca Oas As we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration, it’s worth reflecting on the fact that Our Lord was not transformed on Mount Thabor [Tabor], but transfigured. That is, it was His appearance that was changed before the eyes of the Apostles. I observe that Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines transfigure as “to…


The Transfiguration shows that Baptism changes us? Why were Moses and Elijah there? (they fasted)

When Moses returned from the mountain with the tablets of the commandments, we are told that his face shone (the Douay Rheims reports that his face was horned). Moses did not even see the Lord face to face, but yet his body was changed, literally. Today, on the feast of the Transfiguration, we read the Peter,…