• St. Anna, the Prophetess (71). (Historical)
  • St. Giles (724). Abbot or Abbess. Patron of physically disabled. (Traditional)
  • Twelve Holy Brothers (258). Martyr. (Traditional)

ST. GILES, whose name has been held in great veneration for several ages in France and England, is said to have been an Athenian by birth, and of noble extraction. His extraordinary piety and learning drew the admiration of the world upon him in such a manner that it was impossible for him to enjoy in his own country that obscurity and retirement which was the chief object of his desires on earth. He therefore sailed to France, and chose an hermitage first in the open deserts near the mouth of the Rhone, afterward near the river Gard, and lastly in a forest in the diocese of Nismes. He passed many years in this close solitude, living on wild herbs or roots and water, and conversing only with God. We read in his life that he was for some time nourished with the milk of a hind in the forest, which, being pursued by hunters, fled for refuge to the Saint, who was thus discovered. The reputation of the sanctity of this holy hermit was much increased by many miracles which he wrought, and which rendered his name famous throughout all France. St. Giles was highly esteemed by the French king, but could not be prevailed upon to forsake his solitude. He, however, admitted several disciples, and settled excellent discipline in the monastery of which he was the founder, and which, in succeeding ages, became a flourishing abbey of the Benedictine Order.

Bf saints 09 01 blog

REFLECTION: He who accompanies the exercises of contemplation and arduous penance with zealous and undaunted endeavors to conduct others to the same glorious term with himself, shall be truly great in the kingdom of heaven.


ANGELS (symbols). Depicted in various forms to express the will of God, of which they are the mediators. Shown as messengers, in worship, and in executing justice, they appeared in Western art before A.D. 600. Before Constantine their appearance without wings was mainly with a staff indicative of their office as messengers. The nine choirs are distinctively represented. Angels in art are represented with a variety of articles, musical instruments, thuribles, shields, scrolls, and in a few instances emblems of the Passion. though they are usually represented in worship before the Blessed Sacrament on earth and before the throne of God in heaven. Archangels are variously depicted: Michael driving Satan into hell; Gabriel announcing the Incarnation to Mary; Raphael healing the blind Tobit. The thrones are shown kneeling in adoration. Seraphim symbolize fire and love with their six red wings and eyes; cherubim, with four-eyed wings of blue and holding a book, indicate their great knowledge; dominations, in royal robes, are crowned for authority; virtues, two-eyed, are charged with dispensing celestial miracles; the powers, holding swords, indicate their conquest of the evil spirits shown under their feet; the principalities carry scepters to assist in their direction of God’s commands. The emblem of St. Francis of Rome is her guardian angel, whom she saw daily in visible form.

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)

This article, SEPTEMBER 1, 2024 – ST. GILES, ABBOT. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.

John B. Manos

John B. Manos, Esq. is an attorney and chemical engineer. He has a dog, Fyo, and likes photography, astronomy, and dusty old books published by Benziger Brothers. He is the President of the Bellarmine Forum.

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