Christopher Manion

Footnote 8: Is the Bishops’ Conference Turning the Corner?

At the annual meeting of the USCCB in Baltimore last week, bishops signaled that the focus on “Social Justice” that has prevailed for several decades might be changing to a focus on teaching the fundamentals of the faith to the faithful.


From Under the Rubble…The Coverup Kid

The unfolding Petraeus scandal is raining on Obama’s victory parade. The administration successfully covered up the truth about the disaster at the U.S. embassy in Benghazi and the unauthorized “liaisons” at CIA headquarters in Langley until after the election, but, as usual in Washington, the cover-up is greater than the crime. Republicans are crying “foul,”…


Footnote 7: Revenge – Or Love? The Catholic Answer

In Footnote 7, Chris Manion asks: Can a government based on revenge serve the common good? And is love of country a viable alternative?


From Under the Rubble…After the Deluge

The rubble hasn’t cleared, but some realities have come into view. On the Friday before the election, President Obama proposed a new civic virtue for our body politic. It’s called “revenge.” And it’s nothing new. Revenge has been around for a long time. Way back in the book of Exodus we read “an eye for…


Footnote 6: The Church’s Tax Exemption: Boon? Or Burden?

In Footnote 6, Christopher Manion looks at the demands of some dissidents who want the government to silence the Catholic Church. Should we let them?


Footnote 5: Should Catholic Voters Care About The Truth?

In Footnote 5, Dr. Manion explores why Catholic bishops are taking moral truths seriously these days, and some “comfortable Catholics” find that – uncomfortable!


From Under the Rubble…Progress, Progressives, and Perversion

Progress, Progressives, and Perversion “I Am Who Am” (Exodus 3:14) Last week’s Rubble examined change. Heraclitus feared it and longed for the unchanging logos. Only with the Incarnation did the logos get a name: Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, “first, last, and always.” In contrast to Christian philosophy, the heady hedonism of the…


Footnote 4: Eternal Truths, Practical Consequences

In this episode of Footnote, Dr. Manion discusses how Pope Benedict pleads with our bishops to teach all the truths of the Faith, even the “hard parts.” Is that just an abstract appeal to teach some theoretical moral maxims? Hardly. Mary Eberstadt explains how the Church’s failure to teach Humanae Vitae contributed to some very practical, and drastic, consequences for the Church.


From Under the Rubble…Change You Can Believe In

Change You Can Believe In “The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.” Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Idylls of the King These are dark days for Christendom. The “old order changeth” indeed. Today the Rubble looks at one side of “change”;…