Christopher Manion

Chicago Cardinal George Filets City Hall

Francis Cardinal George, OMI, has weighed in on the recent Chicago Chick-Fil-A fiasco. Here’s the background: Last week Chicago machine Alderman Proco Moreno (D-1st Ward) threatened to deny Chik fil-A’s zoning application for a restaurant in his ward because the company’s owners actually believe in the sanctity of Christian marriage. Petulant Proco pouted: “If you…

The Fifth Commandment appears in text

The Bellarmine Forum Launches The Campaign For Humanae Vitae

Tomorrow, July 25, is the 44th anniversary of the promulgation of Humanae Vitae by Pope Paul VI. See the important article by Dr. Charles Rice, the president of the Bellarmine Forum, tomorrow in Crisis Magazine. Then be sure to sign our petition for Humanae Vitae. And don’t forget to pray for our bishops!


The Bishops, The Laity, and the Budget

Over the course of the past year, some leading American bishops have come to acknowledge publicly that the task of particular politics belongs with the laity, not the hierarchy. Nonetheless, the massive momentum of the marriage of the bishops’ conference to the Democrat Party is hard to shake off. Witness the attacks on House Speaker…