Cindy Paslawski
Laetare Sunday
For the true Moses is Christ who, having delivered us from the bondage of Satan and sin, made us pass through the waters of baptism and having nourished us with His Eucharist, causes us to enter His Church, a foretaste of heaven where the elect will sing forever
O Lord, Deliver Us
Is God’s mercy retroactive? He is all-knowing; if I am praying for mercy now, would God, who has the foreknowledge of this prayer,
2020 Vision – Part 2 – How St. Therese Elevated the Daily Grind
Sanctity is not achieved with a rocket blast but more of a gentle reconstruction of life into holiness. Cindy explores how St. Therese can make it happen.
2020 Vision. Catholic New Years Resolutions Resolved.
Year end blowout sales and new year resolutions sales on fitness don’t match what we really need: how to fix your vision for the upcoming year!
Al Matt: He Fought the Good Fight
Cindy Paslawski recounts the pro-life, truth telling, legacy of Al Matt’s dedication to serving the Church with the Wanderer and Wanderer Forum Foundation.
End Times Not End Games for Purgatory
The end is near. Not the street-corner-preacher end, but the end of our Church year. November approacheth and the readings will remind us to watch and wait, not be caught unaware. We remember those who have gone before us, hopefully with some sign of faith, and we look to our…
A Cheap Trick. Has Catholic Fundraising Gone Off the Rails?
Tape this nickel to the reply card… send this candle back… return this blessed oil… with a donation, of course! has Catholic fundraising gone too far?
Peter Julian Eymard and the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar
God is there, present in His Divine Son, on the altar, captured beneath the tangible appearances of bread and wine. This is the Mystery of our Faith: Christ truly present, body and blood, soul and divinity on the Catholic altars of the world. This is the Corpus Christi celebrated in centuries-old liturgies and neighborhood processions. …
“Behold This Heart Which Has So Loved Men” – The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Learn the origin of the Sacred Heart devotion, and the 12 promises Our Lord made for those who honor Him this way.
Humanism and the Sacred (by Msgr. Schuler, 1969)
Msgr Schuler nailed it in 1969. The problems of sacred music today do not lie in repertory or congregational participation. The disputes over Latin and the vernacular, the choir, the use of [guitar] are not the essential points …The problem is one of Faith – man replacing God.