John B. Manos

Finish May, the Month of Mary, with an Indulgenced Bang

At the end of our Rosary, we pray the mystery of the Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth. May is a month dedicated to devotion to Mary. Traditionally, on the old calendar, today, the last day of May, is the feast of the Queenship of Mary. Fr. Hardon gives the history of the Litany…


Look Back on Your Year of Mercy with a Smile of Relief

Discover one way you can profit from the graces this Jubilee Year, a Year of Mercy, and make yourself better equipped to preach the Gospel to others!


Is Corpus Christi Interesting Enough to Draw Drunken Fops and Gun Salutes?

In recent years, there has been a push to make public processions again on Corpus Christi. Thank God!  after all, that’s Our Lord, Living and Present in the Blessed Sacrament!  We should boldly proclaim to the world the good news that Jesus is Risen from the Dead and lives among us! As we all know, not…


Is it Wrong to Judge a Catholic Parish by the Confession Schedule?

Back in the 90s, I encountered the “penance service” phenomenon whereat people were told to write their sins on a piece of paper and put them into a bowl that would be lit aflame to burn the sins. I never stayed for the finale, and had secretly hoped that the whole place would burn down…


When Pub Talks Turn to Fights: Of Gruner, Schism, Russia, Secrets, Fatima, and Plots Against The Plan of Mary

When the Pub talk Goes Sour, the Fisticuffs Ensue… I will be the first to admit that I love chewing on the tasty morsels of prophecy and end times. You can’t beat it — if the end is the conclusion, then you get to solve the puzzle working backwards to now. This is the great life of…


Kolbe’s Secret to the Best Month of Mary You’ve Ever Lived

May is the Month of the Blessed Mother Mary. Traditionally, people devoted a special care to do something special for their Blessed mother each day of May. I want to inspire you with “more” you can do and why. Best yet, I want to give you a story of St. Maximillian Kolbe’s secret, and how you can transform…


Farewell for Now, Faithful Friend, Mother Angelica

Sometimes life throws a bunch of curve balls your way and it’s difficult in the midst to see what sort of trip you’re really getting into. Sometimes, your whole life can change overnight. Back in my twenties, I took a month long vacation from work, and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it,…


About that Easter Basket Later this week

Over the years, John DeJak and I post regular pictures and sonnets of praise and admiration for our Easter baskets. This old tradition in Mother Church has the faithful bringing special food to the Church on Holy Saturday to be blessed by the priest to provide food fitting for that first breakfast that breaks the fast…


What Do You Do? Do you Scream? Do You Shout?

Years ago, I recall Fr. Hardon talking about Communion in the hand, and at one point, after explaining some of the boneheaded things, Fr. asks, “what do you do? do you scream? do you shout?” Sometimes, it’s just that way with Mother Church. Today was no exception. I like to recall the saga in the past sometimes because…


Magazine: Evangelizing the Family! Winter 2015, Issue 3

Where do we go from here? For the two earlier issues, we looked at all the attacks on the family, and analyzed the importance of the family. Issue 3 presents the solutions! Our last issue of the Bellarmine Forum magazine in 2015, “Evangelizing the Family,” lends itself to plenty of food for thought. You ask, why would…