John B. Manos
Eternal Rest, Professor Rice
It is with saddened hearts that we learned of the passing last night of our Chairman, Professor Charles E. Rice. May God grant his soul to rest in a place of just repose. For us, Professor Rice has been a blessing to the Forum over the decades. He had a quick wit and always had God’s interests…
PSA: Ember Days Start Tomorrow, but who cares?
In a day and age where it seems like our own bishops aren’t fans of asking the faithful to fast, and when the purpose of Ember days was specifically to help Mother Church strengthen herself in her clergy, we should look at how we’ve done since abandoning this practice. In 1964, the United States had…
New! Now 36 Doctors of the Church- Armenian Narek added
Surprise! We now have 36 doctors of the Church! Reported today, Pope Francis has named St. Gregory of Narek to be a doctor of the Universal Church. This move is interesting on many levels, partly because of when Narek lived: he was born a mere 58 years before the Great Schism. So his life straddled the oncoming schism, but…
Lent: Crush the heads of invisible dragons
From the Melkite weekday services in Lent, known as the Presanctified Liturgy, the closing prayer: ALMIGHTY LORD who created the whole universe in wisdom; who by your ineffable providence and great goodness have brought us to these salutary days for the purification of our souls and bodies, for the control of our passions and for hope…
Father Hardon on Lent and his 7 Rules of Penance
Fr. Hardon gives the basis of penance as a Divine Law that each of us must do, or perish. We may voluntarily do penance now – with his 7 rules of penance – or forcefully have it done to us later.
Alabama moves to destroy Children
This past Monday, some of the strangest things happened in Alabama, the alleged Bible belt. Out of fear that they were living the Wallace days again — Wallace the one who stood in the doors of the school to block the entrance of black children — many judges rushed to provide so-called marriage licenses to homosexual…
So What is Sexagesima Anyway? (the real secret to easy grace)
I never realized when I studied the Illiad and the Odyssey in latin in high school just how much my perceptions of words from latin were forever changed. I take for granted that latin words sound completely different to someone not familiar with latin. Recently, I was talking to someone and mentioned that Sexagesima Sunday was approaching. They…
Magazine: Building a Culture of Life. Winter 2014, Vol. IV No. 4
Like An Aggressive Cancer… Historically, governments, healthcare personnel, and society in general shared the presumption in favor of life. But no more. A culture of death is spreading like an aggressive cancer, skewing values, twisting beliefs so that the precious gift of life is viewed as disposable like a used coffee filter. What can be…
Who is Laughing Now? R.I.P. Rev. Richard P. McBrien
Years and years ago, I remember listening to Bill Marra and Fr. Micelli talk on the Catholic shows they did, and frequently they’d discuss Fr. McBrien and nearly every time the topic of his work came up, they’d compare the past of Notre Dame to what it had become. I miss those kinds of guys, with…
Forget New Years: It’s still Christmas!
I’m always amazed at how effectively our society can put Christmas behind everyone before it’s even really started! Christmas began last week — it is still the octave of Christmas now, today. We live in an upside-down world, though: they thought Christmas started the day after thanksgiving, and ended last week. That was advent. Today is Christmas! It’s an…