John B. Manos

Who Needs a Savior?

I’m glad Christmas is an octave+. It’s just too much to soak in in one day. I heard that on a recent Polish polka show, the hosts were cracking a joke that Christmas for Poles begins at Midnight Mass and they don’t leave the house for 12 days. It’s funny because it’s true. Between the ham, the Christmas carols,…


Man-Made Climate Change has Nothing to do with Nature Videos

This week there was a nature show projected on the face of St. Peter’s in the Vatican. I agree with many of the criticisms of the event, most importantly because St. Peter’s square is recognized worldwide as the place from which the Pope and the Church speak on the things of God. Sure, nature is creation and…


Tempting Akita’s Fire: AmChurch Wreckovations, Hare Krishnas, and Tokyo St. Ignatius Removes Kneelers

Back in the 90s, I remember seeing images of then Archbishop Rembert Weakland donning a miter that bore an upside down triangle with a rainbow and a rainbow chasuble. During those years, it was common to hear rumors of Churches being “renovated” and the end result being white washed interiors and sanctuaries being leveled and converted…


The “Banquet Celebration” Mass is the Tail Wagging the Kasper Dog

Yesterday, I posted a longish post that got into the problem I see with some of the voices of the recent Synod of Bishops. Particularly, those who seem so concerned with providing a path to Holy Communion for divorced and remarried couples as well as some that wanted to figure out how to get so-called same sex…


Mealy-Mouthed Secularist Prelates and the Attack on Grace

I’ve been biting my tongue through a lot of the synod and the biggest reason has been that I really did not want to pile onto the mountains of doom being dumped into Catholic discussion. Now that the relatio is out, and now that we see what it says, we wait for Pope Francis to put his…


Magazine: THE FAMILY IN CRISIS! Summer 2015, Vol. V, Issue 2

Frightening. That is the only way to describe the upcoming issue of the Bellarmine Forum magazine, The Family in Crisis.  It is simply not for the faint of heart. The first issue in 2015, In Defense of the Family, plainly stated the traditional meaning of marriage and family life. This second issue clearly shows the satanic forces…


Fr. Hardon on St. Michael the Archangel

Over the past nine days, we’ve had the novena to St. Michael on our Facebook page, with each day posting in the mornings. St. Michael is so many things, from assistant to the Blessed Mother at Fatima, to stalwart captain of the Heavenly Army, declaring to Satan, “Who is like God?” Given our situation today, where…


Happy Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine!

It’s our name day, and we are pleased to have such a powerful intercessor for the Bellarmine Forum. St. Bellarmine, besides being a doctor of the Church, is well noted among us for his continual highlighting the extent to which God went over and above all bounds in the things He has done, and does,…


Misguided Ecumenism 30 years later: Peter Kreeft says the Catholic Church Must Become More Protestant

When I was in grade school, there was a movement in the parish where my Catholic school was that happened alongside the push for “RENEW” — the “Gym” Mass. A young hippy priest, Fr. Tom, came in and decided that us kids didn’t like pews and pipe organs and traditional hymns, so they’d have Mass with…


Russia To Build World’s Largest Statue of Jesus next to China, North Korea, Japan

When I was just coming out of law school, Tom Monaghan had been working on the concept of a University in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The planning and zoning commission had never received the updated area impact study, or developmental impact plans, I forget which part, but I remember going to the planning office and looking at the…