John B. Manos

Pope to have Greek at Mass, keeps St Joseph readings, and continues St. John the Baptist theme

Words circulating the internets today have yielded some information about Pope Francis, SJ’s installation Mass tomorrow. He is whacking the offertory procession. Thanks be to God, I say. Unless people are bringing livestock and candles and rugs, I don’t see a point to this glamorization of lay people at the liturgy. The people should be…


“Yeah, and I am Napoleon” — Jesuit porter receives call from Pope Francis, SJ (video)

So Pope Francis, SJ, calls the Jesuit Curia himself, and asks for the Superior General, and upon identifying himself as Pope, the porter, having received many prank calls since the election of Pope Francis was put out, and reported that he nearly said, “Yeah, and I am Napolean” – HAH! But, Pope Francis calmly said,…


Jesus wasn’t good enough for them either, Pope Francis, S.J.

Just because the Pope is on the balcony before the people does not mean that the people are supposed to scream “crucify him!”


First Homily of Pope Francis, SJ

Read the full english text of the first homily of Pope Francis, SJ (courtesy Vatican Radio)


Uplifting anecdotes, and a story for your lent.

Three short stories from yesteryear to give you some meat to chew on for lent.


Kosher Observance is the new Catholic Dating Scene?

Prior to God becoming man, devout souls had only the law, given by God to Moses. It was from God, but the laws is a thing nonetheless, not a person.  Prophets got to be with God, know His person in person, but everyone else knew him from the law and what the prophets said.  To be…


Augustine was not saved through Navel Gazing

The unfortunate oversight of Matt McGuiness — Augustine did not say that navel gazing and staring into the abyss brings you to Jesus. Good friends praying for a miracle, like St. Monica or Kevin O’Brien, does bring salvation, though — even if you call us “moralists” and think we aren’t “realists”.


Before Lepanto, Mary became known as the Invincible Champion, Triumphant Leader

Today, in Eastern Churches, special services and hymns are sung just after compline to the Blessed Mother. It may seem like an odd practice to American lent goers — after all, Fridays are well known in the Roman Church for the Stations of the Cross. However, given that Mary carried God to us, and hence…

Icon of Jesus Tempted in the Desert

Fasts and Lent. If you want to cast out demons…

Last year, I posted about the history of fasting during lent. I think the article stands up well this year, too. I’d only add that the topic was at least discussed at the most recent USCCB meeting. Rather difficult for me to comprehend how, when Our Lord told us that some demons may only be cast…


St. Valentine — Martyred for Marriage

Happy St. Valentine’s Day! By now, you will have already seen the day play out, there may have been candy hearts with messages on them, notes passed by children in school, and then the adult activities. What precisely was St. Valentine about, though? Let’s take a trip back to the third century. You and I are sitting in…