John B. Manos
The Marxist March Against Marriage and the Response Our Lady Asked For
A couple years ago, I posted one of the best images about marriage today and it came from the old St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism. Featuring both the worldly judge and the Eternal Judge rendering opinions of what was before them. The image shows a couple obtaining a no fault divorce, and a judge granting it to them. To…
Breaking the Rainbow Covenant (Be Fruitful and Multiply, and Fill the Earth)
In the wake of Friday’s Supreme Court decision, purportedly accepting same sex partners to so-called marriage, an onslaught of rainbows have been posted everywhere you look online. Even the White House had rainbow colors projected onto it to make the building look like a rainbow. You’d think we had just survived the greatest flood the world has…
Magazine: In Defense of the Family. Spring 2015, Vol. V No. 1
Just in time for some of the most hostile changes afoot, our latest issue is the first entry in Volume V, which we have dedicated to defense of the family as the Church teaches. We even managed, with the help of Providence, to print the advice of our late Chairman Emeritus, Charlie Rice on defending the Catholic Faith in a hostile culture. Ripe advice for those wondering how to respond to the same sex “marriage” ruling of the Supreme Court. Don’t be afraid to proclaim the truth and God’s revelation!
Demystifying Why There was Supernatural at Medjugorje, but not the Messages
News is circulating today about a decision having been made in the Congregation for Doctrine and Faith that the messages of Medjugorje were in fact not supernatural. Nobody should be surprised. Over the years over we’ve been burdened by smug believers of the Medjugorje phenomenon who look down their nose and lecture on the superior knowledge to be…
Eating Gyros on Good Friday? Kiril Sends Message to Francis on the Easter Date
Being half Greek and enjoying a gyro, while at the same time enjoying the meat-free Great Lent can cause some peculiar cravings once Easter season arrives each year. My Polish half cannot fathom Easter Sunday without ham. Kielbasa is nice, but ham. Ham. Ham with horseradish. Ham with hard boiled egg. Ham slice on babka bread. There’s always a little tension, however,…
A Different Take on Laudato Si: The Church Could Change a Lot Directly
It shouldn’t surprise Bellarmine Forum readers that I’ll have an opinion posted here regarding Pope Francis’s Laudato Si encyclical forthcoming. Readers may not be aware of my background as a chemical engineer, environmental work (even worked for the Army Corps of Engineers on water quality), and that I was an Assistant Attorney General in Michigan for…
Do Something to Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus Today on the Feast
Today, the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi, is the feast of the Sacred Heart. Sometimes, the feast is held on this following Sunday. The short story of the feast is explained in my trusty old catechism: A single word of Christ would have fully sufficed to redeem us, but it was not enough to…
Calling Jesus a Liar: Anglican Style (which is twenty years behind AmChurch fashion trends)
It was over twenty years ago, at a daily Mass in Cincinnati (the head of the AmChurch hydra), when I first heard someone try to pray the “Our Mother” prayer. They also liked to say the Suscipe with the fantasy option, ending it with the “her Church.” [that was the older english form at the time, so naturally it…
The Fix is in: World Russian Council calls to remove abortions from the system of mandatory medical insurance
One of the earliest things the Bolsheviks did after destroying churches in an ISIS fashion was legalize abortion. In 1920, they cried that women were procuring back street illegal abortions and all they wanted to do was make it safe. They made a law permitting it to be performed in hospitals. Note the logic, the incremental approach. The initial…
Pentecost and the Church of Tommorrow
One thing I notice that’s different today from when I was a kid is that there doesn’t seem to be anymore fiction geared towards tomorrow that isn’t dystopian. Sure, I was still a tyke when the movie Logan’s Run came out about a world in the future where people that hit thirty were euthanized, yet others ran…