John B. Manos
BFP The 1 Thing Archbishop Sample Did to Save the USCCB Meeting Play in new window | DownloadYou will be surprised at this one thing that happened at the USCCB meeting — and we have Archbishop Sample to thank for it. Is this what Bishops are supposed to be doing? Naturally, there was something dumb done right after Archbishop Sample spoke — now some bishops want…
BFP Fatima June 13 Immaculate Heart, Moscow the Third Rome, and Crushing Napoleon the Rosicrucian Play in new window | DownloadOn June 13, at Fatima, in 1917, Our Lady spoke to the children and introduced the Fatima Prayer said after each mystery of the Rosary. She also told Sr. Lucy that she would spread devotion to her Immaculate Heart (yesterday’s feast on the new calendar). We take a stroll…
BFP The Sacred Heart Slays Modernists
The Sacred Heart is one of two weapons left for us in these times. Here’s why a new statement on Communion from the Bishops won’t matter.
Cult Zealots Spread Dangerous Promise of “Life After Death”: Stay Safe from Anti-Science Medical Misinformation
Cult Zealots Spread Dangerous Promise of “Life After Death” If Easter Were Today: Stay Safe from Medical Misinformation
Holy Week: Easter Sunday (Audio)
Audio for Fr. Clarke’s Little Book for Holy Week: Easter Sunday Meditation: The Fruits of the Passion.
Holy Week: Holy Saturday (Audio)
Audio for Fr. Clarke’s Little Book for Holy Week: Holy Saturday Meditation and Spiritual Reading; The Obedience of the Passion; and The taking down from the Cross.
Holy Week: Good Friday (Audio)
Meditations and Spiritual Readings for each day of Holy Week compiled by Fr. Richard F. Clarke SJ.
Holy Week: Second Visit (Audio)
Meditations and Spiritual Readings for each day of Holy Week compiled by Fr. Richard F. Clarke SJ.
Holy Week: Visit 1 (Audio) Play in new window | DownloadMeditations and Spiritual Readings for each day of Holy Week compiled by Fr. Richard F. Clarke SJ. See post here:
Holy Week: Maundy Thursday (Audio)
Meditations and Spiritual Readings for each day of Holy Week compiled by Fr. Richard F. Clarke SJ.