Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput’s writings always inspire — often, with an original twist. His latest article includes the story of World Champion Boxer Jimmy Braddock.What intrigues me is this: Braddock was down and out for the longest time before his rise to fame. When he was back on his feet, he paid back every penny…
Onion Domes on the Seine! (or, Our Lord will be Praised) – updated
The stones in France refuse to praise Our Lord, so it looks like the Russians will.
Footnote 8: Is the Bishops’ Conference Turning the Corner?
At the annual meeting of the USCCB in Baltimore last week, bishops signaled that the focus on “Social Justice” that has prevailed for several decades might be changing to a focus on teaching the fundamentals of the faith to the faithful.
Melkite Nun Explains the Syrian Rebels are Destroying Them because they are Christian
Melkite Nun, Mother Agnes Miriam, explains that Christians are not fighting the government, and that the mass media is not reporting the truth — Christians in Syria are being beheaded, killed, and targeted — They are fighting for the own lives.
From Under the Rubble…The Coverup Kid
The unfolding Petraeus scandal is raining on Obama’s victory parade. The administration successfully covered up the truth about the disaster at the U.S. embassy in Benghazi and the unauthorized “liaisons” at CIA headquarters in Langley until after the election, but, as usual in Washington, the cover-up is greater than the crime. Republicans are crying “foul,”…
Footnote 7: Revenge – Or Love? The Catholic Answer
In Footnote 7, Chris Manion asks: Can a government based on revenge serve the common good? And is love of country a viable alternative?
From Under the Rubble…After the Deluge
The rubble hasn’t cleared, but some realities have come into view. On the Friday before the election, President Obama proposed a new civic virtue for our body politic. It’s called “revenge.” And it’s nothing new. Revenge has been around for a long time. Way back in the book of Exodus we read “an eye for…
Defensor Civitatis
I am going to be polemical. You are forewarned. There is a fundamental aspect of the debate over so-called same-sex marriage that needs to be understood: most people in the cities and towns of Minnesota and across the United States are not eager nor clamoring for the legal recognition of two homosexuals to form a…
Footnote 6: The Church’s Tax Exemption: Boon? Or Burden?
In Footnote 6, Christopher Manion looks at the demands of some dissidents who want the government to silence the Catholic Church. Should we let them?
Take a Stand
I finally watched For Greater Glory — a little late, I know — about the persecution of the Church in Mexico in the 1920s. The Cristeros joined the cause for freedom for various reasons, plunder, prestige, faith, but in the end they stood for something even to death. It was a moving testament which gave…