
BFP The Assumption – Mary’s Body, Mary’s Choice and Our Bodies Today

Learn about what Mary’s Assumption can tell you about your own assumption some day, the need to do penance and keep your body as God wants, following her example.  It can even influence your thinking about COVID and whether anyone should be “Forced” to charity,


Maximilian Kolbe, Saint For Our Times

A Vignette of stories about St. Maximilian Kolbe, whose total consecration to Mary paves the way we can follow and become superheroes like him! by Brother Francis Mary FI


Don’t Tell Me I’ve Sinned!

The media appears to be making the Latin Mass issue also an abortion issue.


BFP Cupich’s Padlock of Latin Mass Unity and the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes

We’ll explore the uncanny use of the word “unity” in the motu proprio, the letter, Cardinal Cupich’s statement on the Motu Proprio, and how he used in 2002 when he padlocked the Latin Mass parish out of their church for Easter Triduum, “as an invitation to be in unity with him.”


Media-Created Hype and the Motu Proprio

The Press: “Yay! The Catholic Church has a chance to be modernized. Getting rid of the old Latin Mass is a sign of that modernization!” But wait a minute…


BFP: Rest Easy! The Greatest threat to the Church has been Removed!

News about the Motu Proprio issued by Pope Francis and how it was important to vanquish this greatest threat to the Church today! (tongue in cheek interviews included)


USCCB Communion Statement Was Poisoned in Cincinnati Play in new window | DownloadAt this last USCCB meeting, the Spring 2021 meeting, setting the agenda resulted in a parliamentary question when a retired Bishop wished to add something to the agenda.  The parliamentarian is Archbishop Schnurr, the Archbishop of Cincinnati. It was the spring meeting of the NCCB/USCCB in 1977 where the…


BFP The 1 Thing Archbishop Sample Did to Save the USCCB Meeting Play in new window | DownloadYou will be surprised at this one thing that happened at the USCCB meeting — and we have Archbishop Sample to thank for it. Is this what Bishops are supposed to be doing? Naturally, there was something dumb done right after Archbishop Sample spoke — now some bishops want…


Are They Mice or Men?

The U.S. Catholic Bishops are holding their semi-annual meeting and it’s time they prove whether they are politically correct mice or men worthy of the blood of the martyrs.


BFP Fatima June 13 Immaculate Heart, Moscow the Third Rome, and Crushing Napoleon the Rosicrucian Play in new window | DownloadOn June 13, at Fatima, in 1917, Our Lady spoke to the children and introduced the Fatima Prayer said after each mystery of the Rosary. She also told Sr. Lucy that she would spread devotion to her Immaculate Heart (yesterday’s feast on the new calendar). We take a stroll…