
BFD: Maria Magnificata 31st Day — Mary’s Coronation as Queen of Heaven.

This is audio of Fr. Richard Clarke SJ’s Maria Magnificata – a Catholic 31 day Marian devotion for the 31st Day — Mary’s Coronation as Queen of Heaven.


Archdiocese of Chicago Office Goes Full Marxist, Tags Us Pewsitters With a Target

Archdiocese of Chicago OHDS confirms that the USCCB “WOKE” statement on Mr. Floyd’s tragic death is opportunistic Marxist subversion – Covert White Supremacy in the pews must be destroyed!


BFD: Maria Magnificata 30th Day — Mary’s Assumption into Heaven.

This is audio of Fr. Richard Clarke SJ’s Maria Magnificata – a Catholic 31 day Marian devotion for the 30th Day — Mary’s Assumption into Heaven.


BFD: Maria Magnificata 29th Day — Mary’s Death.

This is audio of Fr. Richard Clarke SJ’s Maria Magnificata – a Catholic 31 day Marian devotion for the 29th Day — Mary’s Death.


BFD: Maria Magnificata 28th Day — Mary the Mother of the Infant Church.

This is audio of Fr. Richard Clarke SJ’s Maria Magnificata – a Catholic 31 day Marian devotion for the 28th Day — Mary the Mother of the Infant Church.


BFD: Maria Magnificata 27th Day — Jesus appears to Mary after the Resurrection.

This is audio of Fr. Richard Clarke SJ’s Maria Magnificata – a Catholic 31 day Marian devotion for the 27th Day — Jesus appears to Mary after the Resurrection.


BFD: Maria Magnificata 26th Day — Mary sees Jesus laid in the Sepulcher.

This is audio of Fr. Richard Clarke SJ’s Maria Magnificata – a Catholic 31 day Marian devotion for the 26th Day — Mary sees Jesus laid in the Sepulcher.


BFP: The Cold War Against Priests Memorial, Part 2 Pilarczyk: Shepherd or Wolf?

On this Memorial Day, we present Part 2 of our memorial of those priests who have been erased from memory of AmChurch through specious dismissals and events designed to impugn them with ignominy.


BFD: Maria Magnificata 25th Day — Jesus is placed in His Mother’s arms.

This episode is an audio version of Fr. Richard Clarke S.J.’s Catholic Maria Magnificata 31 days of meditations on the Blessed Mother Mary appearing on Bellarmine Forum (click to go to text) for meditation titiled 25th Day — Jesus is placed in His Mother’s arms.. The index to the entire series can be found at this page on Bellarmine Forum.


BFP: The Cold War Against Priests Memorial, Part 1 Pilarczyk: Shepherd or Wolf?

On this memorial day, in addition to remembering the soldiers who laid down their lives for love of us, let us also call to mind those priests who have been erased from memory of AmChurch through specious dismissals and events designed to impugn them with ignominy inferred by omissions in the public story.