Deo Gratias…. ALLELUIA. Yes, we should still be chanting that.
For the forty days of lent, the Roman rite rids itself of the alleluia.
Growing up, for all forty days of the Easter season, that is, all the way until Ascension THURSDAY (no USCCB math here… viz. click here for more on that), the priest would chant (yes, he sang…) Ite missa est, alleluia, alleluia.
For forty days! A nice symmetry to lent, isn’t it?
Symmetry and detail has been jettisoned … It’s now “optional” which means nobody does it.
Irritating, isn’t it?
This what the parishes in all the lands from east to west should sound like:
(For 40 days… Not 43)

This article, Deo Gratias…. ALLELUIA. Yes, we should still be chanting that. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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