11th Day — The Incarnation.
The Incarnation.
The Word was made Flesh. (St. John i. 14.)

Mary, Gate of Dawn (Ostrama Brama).
1. God would not take flesh in Mary’s womb without her consent. The Angel, after giving his message, awaited her reply. No false humility prevented Mary from obeying the mandate: no self-consciousness made her shrink back. In words which are a model of obedience and prudence and forgetfulness of self she accepted the Divine Maternity: Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word.
2. One thing only was present to Mary’s mind when she spoke these words: the wish to do exactly what God desired of her. This is the secret of all true virtue — to make His will the motive and the guiding principle of every action we do. If we do this, we shall soon be saints.
3. When Mary spoke these words an event took place which seems incredible. The Infinite God became of the same nature with one of His finite creatures. The union between Mary and her God became the most intimate possible to any created being. God became flesh of her flesh and bone of her bone. What must have been the more than angelic purity of her nature before her God came to dwell with her! What must have been her almost infinite dignity after He had taken flesh in her sacred womb!
For the Heaven He left
He found Heaven in thee,
For He shines in thy shining,
Sweet Star of the Sea!
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