JULY 1, 2024 – ST. GAL, BISHOP.

  • Bl. Junipero Serra (1784). Priest. (Current)
  • Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (Traditional)
  • St. Oliver Plunket (1681). Bishop, Martyr. (Current)

ST. GAL was born at Clermont in Auvergne, about the year 489. His father was of the first houses of that province, and his mother was descended from the family of Vettius Apagatus, the celebrated Roman who suffered at Lyons for the faith of Christ. They both took special care of the education of their son, and, when he arrived at a proper age, proposed to have him married to the daughter of a respectable senator. The Saint, who had taken a resolution to consecrate himself to God, withdrew privately from his father’s house to the monastery of Cournon, near the city of Auvergne, and earnestly prayed to be admitted there amongst the monks; and having soon after obtained the consent of his parents, he with joy renounced all worldly vanities to embrace religious poverty. Here his eminent virtues distinguished him in a particular manner, and recommended him to Quintianus, Bishop of Auvergne, who promoted him to holy orders. The bishop dying in 529, St. Gal was appointed to succeed him, and in this new character his humility, charity, and zeal were conspicuous; above all, his patience in bearing injuries. Being once struck on the head by a brutal man, he discovered not the least emotion of anger or resentment, and by this meekness disarmed the savage of his rage. At another time, Evodius, who from a senator became a priest, having so far forgotten himself as to treat him in the most insulting manner, the Saint, without making the least reply, arose meekly from his seat and went to visit the churches of the city. Evodius was so touched by this conduct that he cast himself at the Saint’s feet, in the middle of the street, and asked his pardon. From this time, they both lived on terms of the most cordial friendship. St. Gal was favored with the gift of miracles, and died about the year 553.

Bf saints 07 01 blog


DUELING. The meeting of two parties by private agreement to fight with weapons that can cause death. A duel is undertaken to settle a real or alleged grievance between the contending parties. It is forbidden by the natural law and strictly forbidden by the Catholic Church as partaking of the malice of both suicide and homicide. Dueling is not a case of justifiable self-defense because there is no attack occurring at the time; the injured party may obtain satisfaction through legal or other channels; recourse to deadly weapons is powerless to vindicate one’s honor; and dueling is not an apt means of proving one’s innocence, since the guilty person may be more skillful than the aggrieved in the use of the weapons selected.

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)

July, Month of the Precious Blood

The Precious BIood of Jesus – Short Meditations for July. July 1st — The Name of the Precious Blood of Jesus.

This article, JULY 1, 2024 – ST. GAL, BISHOP. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.

John B. Manos

John B. Manos, Esq. is an attorney and chemical engineer. He has a dog, Fyo, and likes photography, astronomy, and dusty old books published by Benziger Brothers. He is the President of the Bellarmine Forum.

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