• St. Isadore the Farmer (1130). Patron or Patroness. Male Farmers. (Traditional)
  • St. Nicholas of Flüe (1487). Patron or Patroness. Male Switzerland and councilman. (Historical) Hermit

ST. CATHARINE was daughter of Ulpho, prince of Nericia, in Sweden, and of St. Bridget. The love of God seemed almost to prevent in her the use of her reason. At seven years of age she was placed in the nunnery of Risburgh, and educated in piety under the care of the holy abbess of that house. Being very beautiful, she was, by her father, contracted in marriage to Egard, a young nobleman of great virtue; but the virgin persuaded him to join with her in making a mutual vow of perpetual chastity. By her discourses he became desirous only of heavenly graces, and, to draw them down upon his soul more abundantly, he readily acquiesced in the proposal. The happy couple, having but one heart and one desire, by a holy emulation excited each other to prayer, mortification, and works of charity. After the death of her father, St. Catharine, out of devotion to the passion of Christ, and to the relics of the martyrs, accompanied her mother in her pilgrimages and practices of devotion and penance. After her death at Rome, in 1373, Catharine returned to Sweden, and died abbess of Vadzstena, or Vatzen, on the 24th of March, in 1381. For the last twenty-five years of her life she every day purified her soul by a sacramental confession of her sins.

Bf saints 03 22 blog

REFLECTION: Whoever has to dwell in the world stands in need of great prudence; the Holy Scripture itself assures us that “the knowledge of the Holy is prudence.”


VINCENTIAN CANON. The famous threefold test of Catholic orthodoxy expressed by St. Vincent of Lérins (400-50) in his two memoranda (Commonitoria): “Care must especially be had that that be held which was believed everywhere [ubique], always [semper], and by all [ab omnibus].” By this triple norm of diffusion, endurance, and universality, a Christian can distinguish religious truth from error.

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)


Enjoy daily meditations this lent from Fr. Richard Clarke, SJ. Short and powerful, written in 1880 for busy lay people to reap rewards through lent. (includes audio): Lent Day 18: Saturday after the Second Sunday in Lent— In the House of Annas.

March is the Month of St. Joseph

Daily devotional meditations on Saint Joseph: March 22d — St. Joseph as Head of the Holy Family.

This article, MARCH 22, 2025 – LENT DAY 18 – ST. CATHARINE OF SWEDEN, VIRGIN. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
Do not repost the entire article without written permission. Reasonable excerpts may be reposted so long as it is linked to this page.

John B. Manos

John B. Manos, Esq. is an attorney and chemical engineer. He has a dog, Fyo, and likes photography, astronomy, and dusty old books published by Benziger Brothers. He is the President of the Bellarmine Forum.

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