- St. John Berchmans (1621). Patron or Patroness. Patron of altar boys. (Historical)
- St. Leonard of Port Maurice (1751). Patron or Patroness, Priest. Patron of parish missions. (Historical)
- St. Peter of Alxandria (311). Bishop, Martyr. (Traditional)
- St. Sylvester (1267). Abbot or Abbess. (Traditional)
ST. PETER governed the Church of Alexandria during the persecution of Diocletian. The sentence of excommunication that he was the first to pronounce against the schismatics, Melitius and Arius, and which, despite the united efforts of powerful partisans, he strenuously upheld, proves that he possessed as much sagacity as zeal and firmness. But his most constant care was employed in guarding his flock from the dangers arising out of persecution. He never ceased repeating to them that, in order not to fear death, it was needful to begin by dying to self, renouncing our will, and detaching ourselves from all things. St. Peter gave an example of such detachment by undergoing martyrdom in the year 311.

REFLECTION: “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!” says our Saviour; because they are bound to earth by the strong ties of their riches.
DIVINE OPERATION. God’s activity outside of himself. Also called divine activity ad extra in contrast with divine activity within the Trinity. The Fourth Lateran Council and the Council of Florence teach that all of God’s activity outside the Trinity is done simultaneously and equally by all three persons. Thus everything that God does in the world of creatures, whether naturally or supernaturally, is the operation of all three divine persons.
Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)
This article, NOVEMBER 26, 2024 – ST. PETER OF ALEXANDRIA, BISHOP, MARTYR. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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