
From Under the Rubble…The War We Are In

These are not the best of times. In fact, some folks say that the Catholic Church in the United States confronts today the greatest challenge in its history. Things were already tough before the November elections, but now they’re in the tank. The good news is that, this year, Catholic bishops were united as never…


From Under the Rubble…A Time for Truth–Beyond Politics

Before the election, American bishops were united more than ever before in defending the First Amendment rights of Catholics from the Obama Administration’s frontal attack. But barely a fortnight passed before the bishops conference lapsed back into its divisive left-wing mode, calling for higher taxes, massive government spending, and other Democrat Party priorities. Is this…


From Under the Rubble…Scandals and the Scandalous

Here’s our laugh of the day: The Petraeus Scandal isn’t really scandalous at all. That’s according to the Washington Post, published in the city where “I Don’t Believe The Post” buttons have been a popular gift item for years. The Post not only likes to play referee in the Beltway’s Blue-Team, Red-Team game, it also…


From Under the Rubble…The Coverup Kid

The unfolding Petraeus scandal is raining on Obama’s victory parade. The administration successfully covered up the truth about the disaster at the U.S. embassy in Benghazi and the unauthorized “liaisons” at CIA headquarters in Langley until after the election, but, as usual in Washington, the cover-up is greater than the crime. Republicans are crying “foul,”…


Footnote 5: Should Catholic Voters Care About The Truth?

In Footnote 5, Dr. Manion explores why Catholic bishops are taking moral truths seriously these days, and some “comfortable Catholics” find that – uncomfortable!


Why Do They Hate Us?

Save Me, Lord, from lying lips, From the tongues of the deceitful — Psalm 120 Why do they hate us? No, I don’t mean Al Queda, or the Arabs, or the Persians, or the Taliban. It’s my acquaintances in the media who ask the question – quietly, and among themselves: “Why do the American people…


Prudence, Prelates, and Politics

“If I attacked the Pope, I’d be on the front page of the New York Times Tomorrow” –Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, in Gary, Indiana, 1973 When does a prudential perversion become a calumny? Last week the Rubble reported how Bishop Steven Blaire of Stockton, chairman of a USCCB committee, has over the course of the…


Bravo Bishops!

Bishop Paul S. Loverde, of Arlington Virginia,recognizes with Pope Benedict XVI that in recent years Catholics have often been poorly catechized. So in his diocesan newspaper this week he explains his recent decision “to have all of the diocese’s catechists and teachers of religious education make a public Profession of Faith” — a decision which…


New Priorities for the Bishops?

They’ll be better than the old ones, writes R. Michael Dunnigan in Catholic World Report: “During the last third of the previous century, serious Catholics in America increasingly came to wince at the news that the body of their bishops had issued a new document. The reason was that the bishops’ most notable pronouncements in…


Waking the Sleeping Giant

One of the more memorable (and apocryphal) quotes to come out of the Second World War was the quote of Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto, the Japanese commander and mastermind of the attack on Pearl Harbor. After the attack he was supposed to have said: “I fear all we have done is wake a sleeping giant and…