Chris Manion

Save the Date!

Our very own Chris Manion, Director of the Campaign for Humanae Vitae, will be speaking at this important conference:


From Under the Rubble…Howard Phillips, RIP

With the passing of Howard Phillips on Saturday, April 22, America has lost a tireless champion of liberty. Since his youth, Howard blazed a trail that was a model for later generations of conservatives. His noble example of lifelong devotion to principle was a beacon to countless legions of patriots fighting in the trenches. Born…


Footnote 13. MSNBC Promotes Ignorance Masquerading As Moralism

Chris Manion finds a surprising cause for the playground name calling rampant today.


Footnote 12. Counterfeiting is a crime — unless you do it legally.

Counterfeiters multiply during the Christmas season – but in Washington DC, it’s Christmas every day!


Footnote 11 – Is Social Justice Compatible with Charity?

A story told by Archbishop Chaput causes Chris Manion to ask- has social justice replaced virtue these days?



Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput’s writings always inspire — often, with an original twist. His latest article includes the story of World Champion Boxer Jimmy Braddock.What intrigues me is this: Braddock was down and out for the longest time before his rise to fame. When he was back on his feet, he paid back every penny…


Footnote 8: Is the Bishops’ Conference Turning the Corner?

At the annual meeting of the USCCB in Baltimore last week, bishops signaled that the focus on “Social Justice” that has prevailed for several decades might be changing to a focus on teaching the fundamentals of the faith to the faithful.


Footnote 4: Eternal Truths, Practical Consequences

In this episode of Footnote, Dr. Manion discusses how Pope Benedict pleads with our bishops to teach all the truths of the Faith, even the “hard parts.” Is that just an abstract appeal to teach some theoretical moral maxims? Hardly. Mary Eberstadt explains how the Church’s failure to teach Humanae Vitae contributed to some very practical, and drastic, consequences for the Church.


Prudence, Prelates, and Politics

“If I attacked the Pope, I’d be on the front page of the New York Times Tomorrow” –Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, in Gary, Indiana, 1973 When does a prudential perversion become a calumny? Last week the Rubble reported how Bishop Steven Blaire of Stockton, chairman of a USCCB committee, has over the course of the…