Fr. John Zulsdorf

Magazine – The Public Face of Vatican II: Change

The Summer 2013 Volume III, Issue 2 is out in the wild! Continuing our theme for the Year of Faith, where Pope Benedict XVI has given us a tool to unravel the false reforms conducted “in the spirit of Vatican II.”  Our focus is on the goal of the Year of Faith:  A true renewal of…


Englishing the Liturgy

In presenting background for the 2011 linguistic changes in the Mass, the Wanderer Forum Foundation hopes to initiate a revitalization of faith. While many instructions to the faithful merely concentrate on the change in the words, we hope this background on the Mass explains why the change was needed to safeguard the true teachings of…


The Sacred Priesthood

The Sacred Priesthood By FR. JOHN ZULSDORF In the small space allotted here, I cannot linger over the profound depths of each and every point I could make about God’s design for our salvation, the role of mediation and why God chose that His gifts to us should be extended through mediators, the mystery of…