
From Under the Rubble…The Selective Indignation of the Moralistic Left

“Sharpton, Matthews Blast Virginia’s Racist Voters” (Recent Headline, MSNBC News) Oh, you didn’t see that one? Don’t worry. Neither did I. I made it up. I’m sorry. Among all the commentary addressing the recent election results in Virginia, the Rubble notes a profound silence regarding an issue that usually haunts the imagination of professional moralizers….


Footnote 30: Interview with Bill and Ester Williams on the history of the Order in Malta – Part 2

In Footnote 30, Chris Manion interviews Bill Williams, a Knight of Magistral Grace in the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, and his wife Esther, a native of Malta, and they recount more highlights in the history of the Order on the Island of Malta.


Footnote 29: Knight Bill Williams recounts the history of the Order – Part 1

In Footnote 29, Chris Manion interviews Bill Williams, a Knight of Magistral Grace in the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, who recounts some highlights in the history of the Order on the Island of Malta.


Footnote 27: Is “Government Charity” An Oxymoron?

In Footnote 27, Chris Manion interviews Steve Mosher, President of the Population Research Institution, discussing the issues that arise when Catholic nonprofits accept government funding or sign on as government contractors.


Footnote 26: Charity at Work In Africa

In Footnote 26, Chris Manion interviews Steve Mosher, President of the Population Research Institution, discussing the differences between Catholic Charity and government “charity” in Africa.


Footnote 25: What’s happening in Kansas?

In Footnote 25, Chris Manion interviews Steve Mosher, President of the Population Institution, who reports on the sex-selection abortions that are catching on in the U.S.


Footnote 17: Hey, Obama, Send Us Some Bacon!

The City of Detroit has been virtually destroyed by a series of incompetent and corrupt politicians. Yet those same politicians demand billions in federal taxpayer funds because they can deliver the votes. Should they get it?


Footnote 16: Obama’s War Against The Kulaks

Is Obama really like Stalin? Listen to the Bellarmine Forum Footnote episode 16 wherein Dr. Manion examines whether the kulaks are alive and well in America today.


Footnote 14: Remembering Paul Weyrich Play in new window | DownloadJoin the Bellarmine Forum, as Dr. Manion asks about Paul Weyrich, who died four years ago this week, was a stalwart Catholic warrior who left us with a profound warning. Are we listening? WFFPodcast 14 Weyrich


Footnote 2: Feminism’s Bitter Pill

This week, we examine the impact of the sexual revolution on American culture through the eyes of social scientists, in view of Catholic doctrine.