A Little Catholic “Education” History: Getting Alinsky into the Catholic Parish

Recently, while preparing an article on Common Core national standards, someone suggested that I might be interested in the “open letters” written by a group called Catholics for Truth in Education operating in Illinois from 1974 into the 90s. Interestingly enough, a set of these “open letters” just happened to have been sitting on my…


Explaining Common Core: And why you don’t want this in your schools

Since 1965, states have been given over 118 BILLION dollars (in addition to those supplied at the state/county level) through ESEA [the Elementary and Secondary Education Act] has supported a system in which 1 in 7 adults are functionally illiterate. Are the Marxists pushing new stuff into education (again)? Catholics wouldn’t go along with that, would they? Read Stephanie Block’s exposition.

There is a rather extensive list of “dangers” she sees in Common Core, including the denial of “absolute truth in God,” “making all truth relative and determined by group consensus,AND MORE!


The Highjacking of America’s Children

Frank Morriss eviscerates the onset of Outcome Based Education (OBE) and its effects on dumbing our children down. An expose of the history even back into the FDR era ans the Fabian socialist roots to create this system of education and its goals.