
The Quiet Constant Voice of Roman Catholicism for 59 Years

Founded in 1965, the Bellarmine Forum (Wanderer Forum Foundation) is a public charity dedicated to helping you find the true Catholic faith, enjoy it, and prosper in your life with God, His angels, and His saints.


Our Lord for nearly seventeen hundred years endured in silence all the ingratitude of men.  Some faithful hearts had been devoted to Him, but from the generality He had received neglect, coldness, indifference, sometimes outrage, insult, sacrilege.  He had witnessed the revolt of thousands and tens of thousands from the Church’s yoke.  Satan had usurped His place in their hearts, and they had heaped every sort of indignity on His servants, on His Church, on Himself in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  They had denied His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament; they had castoff His yoke and persecuted His servants.

 At length Our Lord found one heart to which He could confide the story of His disappointments, and tell the tale of His sufferings. Saint Margaret Mary* was an unknown, obscure, a poor, feeble woman.  But she was so dear to His Heart that He determined to tell her of His griefs, and entrust to her the task of obtaining for Him some comfort and relief in His sorrows.  How great a privilege was hers!  Would that I had something of her love!

Maybe you could be one of those in whom the Sacred Heart can confide?  


  • St. Alexander (326). Bishop. (Historical)
  • St. Porphyrius (420). Bishop. (Historical)

AT the age of twenty-five, Porphyry, a rich citizen of Thessalonica, left the world for one of the great religious houses in the desert of Scete. Here he remained five years, and then finding himself drawn to a more solitary life passed into Palestine, where he spent a similar period in the severest penance, till ill health obliged him to moderate his austerities. He then made his home in Jerusalem, and in spite of his ailments visited the Holy Places every day; thinking, says his biographer, so little of his sickness, that he seemed to be afflicted in another body, and not his own. About this time God put it into his heart to sell all he had and give to the poor, and then in reward of the sacrifice restored him by a miracle to perfect health. In 393 he was ordained priest, and intrusted with the care of the relics of the True Cross; three years later, in spite of all the resistance his humility could make, he was consecrated Bishop of Gaza. That city was a hot-bed of paganism, and Porphyry found in it an ample scope for his apostolic zeal. His labors and the miracles which attended them effected the conversion of many; and an imperial edict for the destruction of the temples, obtained through the influence of St. John Chrysostom, greatly strengthened his hands. When St. Porphyry first went to Gaza, he found there one temple more splendid than the rest, in honor of the chief god. When the edict went forth to destroy all traces of heathen worship, St. Porphyry determined to put Satan to special shame where he had received special honor. A Christian church was built upon the site, and its approach was pared with the marbles of the heathen temple. Thus every worshipper of Jesus Christ trod the relics of idolatry and superstition under foot each time he went to assist at the Holy Mass. He lived to see his diocese for the most part clear of idolatry, and died A.D. 420.

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REFLECTION: All superstitious searching into secret things is forbidden by the first commandment, equally with the worship of any false god. Let us ask St. Porphyry for a great zeal in keeping this commandment, lest we be led away, as so many are, by a curious and prying mind.


PROFANE. The secular or merely human as compared with the sacred or divine. "Profane" does not, of itself, imply profanation, since the whole created universe, including human beings, is technically profane in contrast to the Creator, whose essence is to be holy precisely because he is the "totally other" who transcends the world that he made and continually sustains. (Etym. Latin profanus, lying outside the temple, ordinary, not holy.)

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)

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The Bellarmine Forum

Founded in 1965 as The Wanderer Forum Foundation 

P.O. Box 542
Hudson, WI  54016-0542

A Wisconsin Nonprofit Corporation
and Section 501(c)3 Public Charity

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