Magazine – The Public Face of Vatican II: Change
The Summer 2013 Volume III, Issue 2 is out in the wild! Continuing our theme for the Year of Faith, where Pope Benedict XVI has given us a tool to unravel the false reforms conducted “in the spirit of Vatican II.” Our focus is on the goal of the Year of Faith: A true renewal of the Church. In this issue, topics across the face of the Church are compared between the ways things are today, and the way God intends for His Bride, Our Church:
- Worship is Our Most Important Calling. Fr. John T. Zuhlsdorf
- Dei Verbum and Today’s Practice of Interpretation, Fr. John Kilgallen, S.J.
- The Cult of the Ugly, Erik Bootsma
- The Quest for Christian Unity, James Likoudis
- Vatican II and the Missionary Imperative, David Deavel
- And more…
And, on a topic of special interest, we’ve included A Jesuit Pope by Fr. Robert Araujo, S.J.
From the Back Cover:
The Seeds of Our Discontent
Mention the Second Vatican Council to many Catholics and the wound the changes created so many years ago is still painful. Many of the current trends — priest shortages, lack of religious sisters, churches merging/closing in favor of those with theater-in-the-round seating created in the wake of the stormy years after the Council — are the result of the misinterpretation of Vatican II’s documents.
The faithful read one thing in the pages written by the Council Fathers and saw and heard another from the pulpits and books and in classes as the false “spirit of Vatican II” swept over them. “Keep the faith” was not only the title of a popular rock song, but in fact words of encouragement passed among those in distress over the “signs of the times.”
Vatican II: To Renew the Face of the Earth
In one of his last addresses, Pope Benedict XVI said “The true Council has struggled to materialize, to be realized….It is our task, in this Year of Faith, to work so that the true Council with the power of the Holy Spirit is realized and the Church is really renewed.”
The only way the Council will be manifested as Benedict wished is through knowledge of the documents, understanding of how things went awry, and positive action to live the Faith with the truth and holiness called for by the Second Vatican Council. The documents must be read and lived with the mind of the Church.
It is to provide understanding of the Second Vatican Council that the Bellarmine Forum magazine has committed its four issues in this Year of Faith.
The Bellarmine Forum, formerly known as the Wanderer Forum Foundation, was founded in 1965 to promote and defend true Catholic teachings and educate Catholics in their Faith. Its national and regional conferences and published materials represent some of the finest Catholic thought in the last 30 years. Operating under the patronage of the great Jesuit, St. Robert Bellarmine, will only serve to focus its efforts in the service of the Church.
This article, Magazine – The Public Face of Vatican II: Change is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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