- St. Isidore of Seville (636). Bishop, Doctor of the Church. (Current, Traditional)
ISIDORE was born of a ducal family, at Carthagena in Spain. His two brothers, Leander, Archbishop of Seville, Fulgentius Bishop of Ecija, and his sister Florentina, are Saints. As a boy he despaired at his ill success in study, and ran away from school. Resting in his flight at a roadside spring, he observed a stone, which was hollowed out by the dripping water. This decided him to return, and by hard application he succeeded where he had failed. He went back to his master, and with the help of God became, even as a youth, one of the most learned men of the time. He assisted in converting Prince Recared, the leader of the Arian party; and with his aid, though at the constant peril of his own life, he expelled that heresy from Spain. Then, following a call from God, he turned a deaf ear to the entreaties of his friends, and embraced a hermit’s life. Prince Recared and many of the nobles and clergy of Seville went to persuade him to come forth, and represented the needs of the times, and the good he could do, and had already done, among the people. He refused, and as far as we can judge, that refusal gave him the necessary opportunity of acquiring the virtue and the power which afterwards made him an illustrious Bishop and Doctor of the Church. On the death of his brother Leander, he was called to fill the vacant see. As a teacher, ruler, founder, and reformer, he labored not only in his own diocese, but throughout Spain, and even in foreign countries. He died in Seville on April 4th, 636, and within sixteen years of his death was declared a Doctor of the Catholic Church.

REFLECTION: The strength of temptation usually lies in the fact that its object is something flattering to our pride, soothing to our sloth, or in some way attractive to the meaner passions. St. Isidore teaches us to listen neither to the promptings of nature nor the plausible advice of friends when they contradict the voice of God.
SUNDAY REST. Abstention from servile, judicial, or commercial work on Sundays. Its religious purpose is to commemorate Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday and the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, allow the faithful to make the first day of each week a day of joy and of freedom from work, and enable them to celebrate the Eucharist in a fitting manner. "Other celebrations, unless they be truly of the greatest importance, shall not have precedence over Sunday, which is the foundation and center of the whole liturgical year" (Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Liturgy, V, 106). Holy days of obligation are also to be days of rest.
Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John Hardon SJ (Get the real one at Eternal Life — don’t accept an abridged or edited version of this masterpiece!)
Enjoy daily meditations this Easter from Fr. Richard Clarke, SJ. Short and powerful, written in 1880 for busy lay people to reap rewards through Eastertide: 5.— The Appearance of Jesus to St. Mary Magdalen.
This article, APRIL 4, 2024 – EASTER THURSDAY – ST. ISIDORE, ARCHBISHOP. is a post from The Bellarmine Forum.
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