John B. Manos

Francis: Even Aliens are Subject to Jesus, not the other way around

The Bomb tossed into the room of society This past Monday, Pope Francis captured the imagination of the world with his comments during his homily at Casa Maria. Said the Pope: If tomorrow an expedition of aliens from Mars arrives…and one of the green ones with long nose and big ears, like those which children…


God Arises, His Enemies Scatter (False Ecumenism at Harvard)

Harvard takes False Ecumenism to its natural end I was rather curious as the news came out last week that a group at Harvard wanted to “study” a satanic ritual. I was surprised that anybody would be surprised that ivy league schools host satan worship. Ever heard of Skull and Bones? That black flag with…


And who says Rome doesn’t pay attention?

Ouch. Cardinal Gerhard Müller lays down the law to the wayward LCRW. He actually smacks the point several ways over, but here’s a highlight that focuses on Gnosticism (which is all over the church with so many faces these days): It saddens me to learn that you have decided to give the Outstanding Leadership Award…


What Does Easter mean TO YOU?

Do you believe in the resurrection, in Easter? I mean it, have you considered that because Jesus destroyed death from the inside out, that everything is different now? If you’ve kept a fast for lent, you have some natural feeling of this. Today, you’ve had your restraints unchained and you’ve tasted (literally) a new freedom. That is…


Life: In the Beginning. Bellarmine Forum Magazine Volume iv Issue 1

Volume IV of the new Bellarmine Forum Magazine focuses on LIFE! Issue one is a bang up! Articles include: Marriage and the Hotline to God, Dr. Reginald Gallup Contraception — The Folly of Freedom, Dr. Monica M. Miller A Clear and Present Danger, Dr. Charles Rice Campaign for Humanae Vitae, Christopher Manion Contraception & Persecution,…


So you want to Re-evangelize? Catch Abbot Nicholas on EWTN Live tonight

Tonight, on EWTN Live, abbot Nicholas of the Holy Resurrection Monastery in Wisconsin will be the guest. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak at my parish this past weekend. His topics were on Christian mysticism, re-evangelization, ethnic and church traditions, and similar topics. I was particularly interested in the re-evangelization topic as I…


Jesuit Priest Van der Lugt dragged outside and shot in Syria

News is circulating today about a Jesuit priest, Fr. Frans van der Lugt, S.J. is confirmed by his Dutch province to have been killed. The news reports make it a little unclear who killed him, though — the insurgents sent in by the West, or the other insurgents. I don’t think we should say it…


Father Hardon on St. Joseph: the Secret of True Love

On this solemn feast of St. Joseph, it is good to have a reminder of just who the saint really is. What follows is a short snippet from a lecture by Fr. John Hardon: Saint Joseph deserves our admiration for his other virtues, but, he is to be especially imitated in his love for Jesus and…


Lent Preparation: Mite Boxes and Almsgiving

Yesterday, I received in the mail a very simple little device:  a mite box. Meant to be like a little donations box in the church, the mite box is perfect to be placed in the home during lent in an area where it will be seen as a way to remind us during lent that we…


Pope Francis to Bishops: “we do not need a manager, a CEO of a company”

Just today, Pope Francis spoke to the Congregation of Bishops (reported in Italian here). Yesterday, I asked “if the pope will take care of the Vatican, and I will take care of cleaning myself up, who takes care of the middle?” It appears Pope Francis answered that question today! Speaking to the Bishops, he declared:…