+ A.M.D.G. +

Spiritual Communion
Spiritual communion consists in awakening within the heart a lively desire to receive holy communion.
To make a spiritual communion is a matter of no difficulty; it is enough to recollect one’s self for a few minutes, to place one’s self in spirit before the tabernacle, and to say: “Lord Jesus, come, I beseech Thee, into my heart.”
We ought to make a spiritual communion during Mass, more particularly at the communion of the priest, and also when we pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament.
We may even communicate spiritually every hour of the day, the oftener the better. For this there is no need to fast beforehand, nor to obtain permission from our confessor.
Spiritual communion is the means of enriching the soul with many and precious graces.
Actual communion is compared to a golden, spiritual communion to a silver vessel. Our Lord, when on earth, did not heal those only to whom He went in person, but those also who were absent, and who ardently desired His presence. Remember how He acted in regard to the centurion’s servant; He does the same now as He did then (Cochem). The Council of Trent says (13, 8): “Those who eat in desire that heavenly bread, are by a lively faith which worketh by charity, made sensible of the fruit and usefulness thereof.” Spiritual communion is the best preparation for sacramental communion. Our Lord did not come to earth until His advent was ardently desired; and in like manner He is reluctant to visit the soul that does not earnestly long to receive Him.
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