+ A.M.D.G. +

1. There are ordinary and extraordinary practices of devotion,
The former take place at regular, appointed times; the latter only on special occasions.
2. The regular services held in the parish church on Sundays and holy-days both in the forenoon and the afternoon, as well as week-day services, belong to the ordinary practices of devotion.
On Sundays and festivals, in all parish churches, one Mass or several Masses, according to the size of the parish and the number of priests, are said one after another, at one of which a short sermon is generally preached. In the afternoon or evening, either the Rosary and a litany are said (the Litany of the Saints, the Litany of the Holy Name, the Litany of Loretto and the Litany of the Sacred Heart are approved by the Holy See for the public services of the Church, no other being allowed without the permission of the bishop); or Vespers are sung, with Benediction of that Blessed Sacrament. On week-days in almost every parish church a parochial Mass is said daily with afternoon or evening services, consisting generally of the Rosary or some other devotion, and Benediction, on one or more days in the week.
3. Processions, pilgrimages, the Way of the Cross, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and Missions, belong to the extraordinary practices of devotion.
Christian burial services come under the class of processions, and the Way of the Cross is in fact nothing more or less than visiting the scenes of Our Lord’s Passion at Jerusalem, without leaving our own country.
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