
Bomb-Throwing Jesuits

The tomb of St. Ignatius Loyola is situated at a brilliant side altar in the Society of Jesus’s Mother church in Rome, the Church of the Gesu. One of the most striking features of the tomb of St. Ignatius is the sculpture to the right of the altar entitled “Religion Overthrowing Heresy and Hatred” by…


Suffering the Ignorant Orthopraxis of Our Day

One of the things I really like about how God ordered this world is precisely how unassuming some of the greatest things He has worked really are to the passer by.  If you didn’t look, you wouldn’t notice.  It’s so easy to take them for granted until you look with the eyes of faith that…


From Under the Rubble…Soma for the Sexually Comatose

Folks don’t normally talk about contraception in polite company, they just quietly use it. But during the 2012 election campaign, a sleazy but brilliantly conceived dog-and-pony show made contraceptives a sudden centerpiece of the liberal campaign agenda. The message was simple: “Contraception is good (you’re using it, aren’t you?), but some nasty old rich men…


Gay Marriage is ‘A Sign of Apocalypse’: Russian Patriarch Kiril Speaks His Mind

In America, we are all too familiar with the scene where one person speaks their mind and states an opinion contrary to what others perceive to be the “correct” thing to say. Immediately, that person will be jumped on verbally and accused of being any various number of things, “arrogant,” “intolerant,” or worse, sometimes they…


Contraception and the Sovereignty of God (or, Why Acceptance of Humanae Vitae Should Be a Litmus Test for Church Personnel)

Recently, a priest friend of mine was recounting to me his experience of an appreciation dinner for “liturgical ministers” in the parish where he is an associate.  I must confess, the first image that came to my mind when he said this was the bar scene at Mos Eisley Space Port from the original Star…


From Under the Rubble…The Charitable Burden of Truth

“The best way of treating people with dignity is to tell them the truth.” Now there’s a revolutionary idea. In fact, it’s a Catholic idea, and these days, in a world where reality has been turned upside down, the Catholic devotion to truth – to the Way, the Truth, and the Life – might well be revolutionary….


Licensing of Parents: Totalitarianism Reaches for the Whole Human Race

Frank Morriss called it in 1998 that the obese and smokers would likely be denied health coverage under future regimes, and we keep hearing that under Obamacare, these people should pay exorbitant fines that would make their insurance prohibitive, but what about parents? Some today have suggested they be fined extra under Obamacare, too. What did Frank say would happen?


From Under the Rubble…Who Killed the Mockingbird

There is a consistent theme that unites “progressive” advocates across a wide variety of the Left’s cultural causes. These hardened ideologues might make a perfunctory bow in the direction of “rights” and “diversity,” but they are united by a common purpose that seeks the ultimate destruction of the principles that form the fabric of the…


Expanding the System: “Local” Alinskyian organizing acclimatizes the locals to accept the unacceptable

What happens when grassroots political activism organized with Alinsky’s luciferian tactics decide to give you health care? It looks a lot like many of the social justice movements that operate on CCHD cash, with about the same concern for Catholic social teaching that any other hell-born and inspired movement could have… See who has been organizing to give you health care and how they work within your parish.


Footnote 39: an interview with Father Linus Clovis

Besides allegedly funding the Syrian rebels and providing them with the bombs that are destroying Catholic and Orthodox churches in Syria, your tax dollars are used to aggressively push an anti-life agenda in the Third World. Hear direct reports from Fr. Peter Clovis.