
Immaculate Conception Novena: Third Day

What does this mean, the Immaculate Conception?Through sin Adam and Eve threw away the divine life that we call grace. And since they were the ancestors of all of us, we lost through them the inheritance that should rightfully be ours.All men, the children of Adam and Eve, were born without grace, without divine life,…


Immaculate Conception Novena: Second Day

Dark were the days that preceded the birth of the Savior.Sin had thrown over mankind the pall of ignorance and error, despair of God, and distrust of man.Even the chosen people knew that they were waiting in the dark night of their race for the coming of the new dawn that was to be their…


Christmas Novena Begins Today

Pious legends, especially those carrying the imprimatur, are relished around here. One of the better ones is the St. Andrew Christmas Novena. It is pious tradition that whoever recites the following prayer 15 times per day each day from November 30 (Feast of St. Andrew) until Christmas will receive what is asked. The prayer: Hail…


Immaculate Conception Novena: First Day

Two Eves figure in the history of mankind.The first was called Eve by God himself when he made his first daughter.The second was called Ave, Maria, when God’s messenger told her how deeply beloved she was by God and God’s Son.The first Eve, born sinless, brought sin to the world by the fact that she…


Now That You’ve Heard the New Translations: Why?

(Editor’s note: The italicized words are the questions asked by an educated 30-something Catholic, who attends Mass regularly.) “Why are they doing this to us? Why are they changing the words of the Mass? What’s the big deal about a few words here and there?” The person asking these questions is a victim of over-preparation…


From our Friends at the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation

“No one can be at the same time a sincere Catholic and a true Socialist.” These words of Pope Pius XI that adorn every masthead of every edition of The Wanderer is as applicable today as it was when it was first penned. Along with that revered publication, the Wanderer Forum Foundation and the Cardinal…


The Ultimate Thanksgiving

Great video of a priest offering Mass on a ship off the coast of Iwo Jima in 1945. When you think of it, in this month of the Holy Souls, offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for all of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen.


Bait and Switch

[Ed. Note. The ubiquity of scandal given by so-called Catholic universities is too much to recount here. One need only to surf the web, find a Catholic college or university and preview its lecture series, theological offerings, campus ministry departments or the general tenor of its university life. With only a few exceptions can one…