
Gratias tibi, Sanctissime Pater!

  O Lord, we are the millions of believers, humbly kneeling at Thy feet and begging Thee to preserve, defend and save the Sovereign Pontiff for many years. He is the Father of the great fellowship of souls and our Father as well. On this day, as on every other day, he is praying for…


Uplifting anecdotes, and a story for your lent.

Three short stories from yesteryear to give you some meat to chew on for lent.


Footnote 22: The Story Of Latin Mass Magazine, an Interview with Howard Walsh

The Bellarmine Forum brings you an interview with Howard Walsh, a model for Catholic laymen everywhere, explains how he put his years of business experience to work rescuing a wonderful magazine and bringing it to thousands of Catholics worldwide.


From Under the Rubble…The Media Catholic Church

Three days after announcing his retirement, Pope Benedict met with the clergy of Rome, whom he serves as bishop. His unscripted remarks were surprisingly candid. In particular, regarding the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), Benedict observed that there were actually two councils: “there was the Council of the [Church] Fathers, the true Council, but there was…


Kosher Observance is the new Catholic Dating Scene?

Prior to God becoming man, devout souls had only the law, given by God to Moses. It was from God, but the laws is a thing nonetheless, not a person.  Prophets got to be with God, know His person in person, but everyone else knew him from the law and what the prophets said.  To be…


Augustine was not saved through Navel Gazing

The unfortunate oversight of Matt McGuiness — Augustine did not say that navel gazing and staring into the abyss brings you to Jesus. Good friends praying for a miracle, like St. Monica or Kevin O’Brien, does bring salvation, though — even if you call us “moralists” and think we aren’t “realists”.


The Lord of All to the Emperor of Sand and Dust–“You WILL let my people go.”

Ed. Note. The Bellarmine Forum is pleased to present the Homily of Fr. John Paul Erickson, Director of Worship for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and priest of the Church of Saint Agnes. This homily was delivered on Quadragesima Sunday (The First Sunday of Lent, 2013) at the Church of Saint Agnes. Father…


The Confidence of Campion

In the Preface to the American edition of his 1946 biography of the Jesuit saint and martyr, Edmund Campion, Evelyn Waugh wrote: We have seen the Church driven underground in one country after another. The martyrdom of Fr. Pro in Mexico re-enacted Campion’s. In fragments and whispers we get news of the other saints in…


From Under the Rubble…Benedict’s Long View

“A lifetime is not enough” to see all of Rome, said Pope Gregory XIV. Similarly, the contributions of Pope Benedict XVI will last far beyond our lifetimes – yet their most lasting impact might be barely visible today. Take his “Regensburg Lecture,” delivered in 2006. The media huffed that the address offended Muslims, and wrote…


John W. Blewett

The Bellarmine Forum joins in the prayers for the repose of the soul of John W. Blewett, who died February 8 in Santa Paula, California. Mr. Blewett served as president of the Forum (then known as the Wanderer Forum Foundation) for several years.  He is remembered for his indomitable spirit and devotion to his beloved…